The following error reasons are indicated by different error codes:
1000 The reference to _ is ambiguous.
1003 does not allow access specifiers to be used in combination with namespace attributes.
1004 The namespace cannot be found, or it is not a compile-time constant.
1006 superexpressions can only be used inside class instance methods.
The 1007 superstatement can only be used inside the class instance constructor.
The 1008 attribute is invalid.
10 10 override property can only be used in the property definition of a class.
10 1 1 Virtual properties can only be used in the property definition of a class.
The static attribute 10 12 can only be used in the definition of a class.
10 13 private attributes can only be used in the attribute definition of a class.
10 14 no longer supports internal attributes. ActionScript 3.0 does not support intrinsic keywords.
The base class of 10 16 is final. The superclass cannot be extended because it is marked as final.
10 17 could not find the definition of base class _.
Definition of class 10 18 _ Duplicate.
1020 The method marked override must override other methods.
The definition of 102 1 function is duplicate. You cannot declare multiple functions with the same identifier name in the same scope.
1022 cannot overwrite the last accessor.
1023 coverage is incompatible.
1024 overwrites functions that are not marked as overwrites.
1025 cannot redefine the final method. This method cannot be extended because it is marked as final in the base class.
1026 constructor must be an instance method.
The 1027 function cannot be both a static function and an override function.
The 1028 function cannot be both static and virtual.
The 1029 function cannot be both a final function and a virtual function.
1030 You must specify the name of the variable parameter array.
1033 does not support dummy variables.
The 1034 variable cannot be a native variable.
1035 variable cannot be both final variable and virtual variable.
1037 cannot nest packages.
1038 Unable to find the target of the break statement.
1039 cannot find the target of the continue statement.
1040 Duplicate label definition.
The 104 1 property cannot be called.
1042 this keyword cannot be used for static methods.
1043 namespace is undefined.
1044 class does not implement interface method _ (belonging to namespace _).
1045 interface _ not found.
1046 Type not found, or it is not a compile-time constant _.
The initial value of parameter 1047 is unknown or not a compile-time constant.
The 1048 method cannot be used as a constructor.
1049 Illegal assignment of a variable specified as a constant.
1050 cannot be assigned to a non-referenced value.
105 1 return value must be undefined.
The initial value of 1052 constant is unknown or not a compile-time constant.
1053 accessor types must match.
The return type defined by 1054 setter must be unspecified or empty.
The 1058 attribute is write-only.
The 1059 property is read-only. This property is defined by the getter function, so the value of this property can be retrieved.
106 1 calls possibly undefined method _ (called by reference of static type _). The method to be called is undefined.
1063 Unable to open file _.
1064 Metadata is invalid. This metadata is not recognized.
1065 The attribute of metadata cannot contain more than one element.
1067 implicitly casts the value of type _ to an unrelated type.
1068 Unable to open the included file _.
1069 Syntax error: There should be a definition or instruction. Check the syntax of the line.
107 1 Syntax Error: Defining keywords (such as functions) should be after attribute _ instead of _.
1072 Syntax error: xml should precede namespace. The correct statement syntax is the default xml namespace = ns.
1073 Syntax error: catch or finally clause is required.
1075 Syntax error: If there is no "in" operator, the keyword "each" is not allowed.
1076 Syntax error: there should be a left parenthesis before the identifier.
1077 should have a CaseLabel. In the switch block, the compiler should execute the case statement at this time.
The 1078 label must be a simple identifier.
The 1079 superexpression must have an operand.
1080 should have an increasing or decreasing operator.
1082 There should be an expression in brackets.
1083 Syntax Error: Unexpected. The code line is missing some information. In the following example, the last plus sign must be followed by an expression.
1084 Syntax error: it should be _ (before _). No expression is required here.
1086 Syntax error: semicolon should be before _.
1087 Syntax error: extra characters were found after the program ended.
1093 Syntax error.
1094 Syntax Error: String literals must be terminated before line breaks.
1095 Syntax Error: String literals must be terminated before line breaks.
1097 Syntax Error: The input ended before reaching the closing quotation mark of the string.
1099 Syntax error.
1 100 Syntax error: XML has no matching start and end tags.
1 102 Super descendants cannot be deleted.
The definition of 1 103 namespace is duplicate. This namespace has been defined multiple times. Please delete or modify the duplicate definition.
The target of 1 105 assignment must be a reference value. You can assign values to variables, but you cannot assign one value to another.
1 106 The increment operand must be a reference. Operands must be attributes of variables, array elements or objects.
The 1 107 increment operand is invalid. Operands must be attributes of variables, array elements or objects.
1 108 decrement operand is invalid. Operands must be attributes of variables, array elements or objects.
1 109 should have an expression. Some codes are missing expressions. For example, the following code generates this error (a condition is missing in the if statement):
1 1 10 is missing the XML tagname.
1 1 12 Because this file contains _, infinite recursion may occur.
A circular type reference was detected in _. Class attempts to extend superclass.
1 1 14 public properties can only be used inside packages.
1 1 15 internal attributes can only be used inside packages.
User-defined namespace attributes can only be used in top-level class definitions.
1 1 18 implicitly casts the value of static type _ to a possibly irrelevant type _.
1 1 19 accesses the possibly undefined attribute _ (accessed through a reference of a static type _).
1121getter definition cannot contain parameters.
1 122 setter definition can only contain one parameter.
1 123 setter definition cannot contain optional parameters.
The return type defined by 1 124 getter cannot be void. Getter function simulates variables.
A method defined in the 1 125 interface cannot contain a method body.
The 1 126 function has no function body.
1 127 Attribute _ has been specified multiple times. An attribute was specified more than once in the same statement.
Definition of 1 129 interface _ Duplicate. Please change or delete the duplicate definition.
The 1 130 constructor cannot specify a return type.
1 13 1 cannot nest classes.
The final attribute of 1 132 can only be used within methods defined in the class.
1 133 Native properties can only be used in combination with function definitions.
1 134 dynamic attributes can only be used in combination with class definitions.
1 135 Syntax error: _ is not a valid type.
The number of 1 136 parameters is incorrect. The number should be _. The number of parameters required by the function is different from that provided.
The number of 1 137 parameters is incorrect. It should not exceed _.
1 138 Required parameters are not allowed after optional parameters.
1 139 Variables are not allowed to be declared in the interface.
1 140 (if the parameter is specified after the keyword is defined by) ... rest parameter, which can only be an array data type.
1 14 1 A class can only extend another class, but the interface can't.
1 142 An interface can only extend another interface, but _ is a class. An attempt was made to extend a class using an interface.
The 1 143 override attribute can only be used within methods defined in a class.
1 144 interface method _ (belonging to namespace _) is implemented with an incompatible signature in class _.
1 145 Local methods cannot contain method bodies. Native cannot be used because it is a reserved keyword.
The 1 146 constructor cannot be a getter or setter method.
1 147 is not specified as the source file.
1 149 return statement cannot be used in static initialization code.
1 150 Protected properties can only be used in the property definition of a class.
1 15 1 definition _ (belonging to namespace _) conflicts.
1 152 The definition of inheritance _ (belonging to namespace _) conflicts.
1 153 constructor can only be declared as a public * * * function.
1 154 Only one of public, private, protected or internal can be specified in the definition.
1 155 cannot nest accessors in other functions.
1 156 You cannot instantiate an interface with the new operator.
1 157 interface members cannot be declared as public, private, protected or internal.
1 158 Syntax error: the opening brace ({) is missing before the function body.
1 159 return statement cannot be used in the package initialization code.
The 1 160 native attribute cannot be used in the interface definition. Native cannot be used because it is a reserved keyword.
1 162 Only one namespace attribute can be used in each definition.
1 163 Method _ conflicts with the definition inherited from interface _.
The 1 165 interface property is invalid.
Namespace declarations are not allowed in the 1 166 interface.
Class 1 167 _ Multiple implementation interfaces _. This class implements the same interface multiple times.
1 168 is illegally assigned to function _. Attempt to redefine function.
Namespace attributes are not allowed in the 1 169 interface method.
The 1 170 function did not return a value. If the return type is not void, every possible control flow in the function must return a value.
The initial value of 1 17 1 namespace must be a literal string or other namespace.
1 172 definition _ not found.
1 173 Invalid label definition.
1 176 compares the value of a static type _ with a potentially unrelated type _. This error is generated in strict mode.
1 177 return statement cannot be used in global initialization code.
1 178 attempted to access an inaccessible property _ (by reference to a static type _).
1 180 called a method _ that may not be defined. This error only occurs when the compiler is running in strict mode.
1 18 1 forwards a reference to the base class _.
1 182 package cannot be used as value _.
1 184 uses an incompatible default value type _, but it should be _.
The 1 185 switch contains multiple default values, but only one default value can be used.
The assignment of 1 188 class _ is illegal.
1 189 tried to delete fixed attribute _. Only dynamically defined properties can be deleted. Delete Dynamically deletes a defined attribute from an object.
1 190 cannot find the base class, or it is not a compile-time constant.
1 19 1 The interface cannot be found, or the interface is not a compile-time constant.
Static attributes are not allowed in the 1 192 namespace definition.
1 193 interface definitions cannot be nested in classes or other interface definitions.
The 1 194 prototype attribute is invalid.
1 195 attempted to access an inaccessible method _ (via a static type reference _).
1 196 Syntax error: there should be an expression after throw.
1 197 Class _ cannot be extended _ because they are all associated with library symbols or the main timeline.
The 1 198 attribute is not allowed in the definition of the package.
1 199 Internal error: _.
Syntax error of 1200: the initial value of for-in is invalid, and there can only be 1 expressions.
Super statement cannot appear after 120 1 this, super, return or throw statement.
1202 Access undefined attribute _ (belonging to package _). An attempt was made to access an undefined variable in the package.
1203 No default constructor found in base class _. If you need 1 or more parameters, you must explicitly call the constructor of the base class with the super () statement.
1204 /* has no corresponding match */. The character "/*" indicating the start position of the comment was found, but the corresponding character "*/"indicating the end position of the comment block was not found.