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How to close useless processes in your computer to speed up your computer

Hazy~~I only have 17 processes when I start the computer. Oh~I was forced. Who gave us 128M of memory~

[Windows] The ultimate tutorial on XP running speed!

1 By default, XP Pro will reserve 20% of the bandwidth of a network card. The modification method is to log in with administrator rights, start menu - run - type gpedit.msc, the "Group Policy" window will appear, expand "Network" in "Administrative Templates", expand "QoS Packet Scheduler", Right-click "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" in the right window, select "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" in "Settings" in Properties, select "Enabled", and then select a value in the "Bandwidth Limit" column below. .You cannot choose "Disable" because if you do that, the system will think you agree to reserve 20% of the bandwidth. For specific modifications, please refer to the "Description" column next to "Properties". After the above modifications are made and applied, the user should be able to see "QoS Packet Scheduler (QoS Packet Scheduler)" in the General Properties tab column in the properties dialog box of the network connection. The Home version does not support this operation and cannot remove this restriction!

I’ve got mine here~! If you all set it up the way I did, it will be fine~!

2. Compressed folders

This is a very good optimization. Windows XP has built-in support for .ZIP files. We can browse zip files as folders. However, the system uses some resources to implement this feature, so disabling this feature can improve system performance. The implementation method is very simple, just cancel the registration of zipfldr.dll, click Start - Run, and type: regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll. Then just press Enter. 3. INTERNET Time Synchronization

If you use time synchronization, then your computer will check with the time server on the Internet every certain time, wasting some memory. It is recommended to turn it off because your computer adjusts the time at the beginning. If there is a time deviation, it is almost a good method to turn off the time difference

Start→Control Panel→Date Time Language and Regional Options→Date and Time→Internet Time

Turn off synchronization and it will be OK~

4. Turn off the quick switch user function

A striking feature of WIN XP is called "Quick Switch". This feature provides the possibility for many users to use the computer at the same time, but this feature also consumes a certain amount of energy If your memory is 64M, WIN XP will automatically disable this function when installing it. It will be a bit too much for users with 128M, so it is recommended to turn it off. Method: Control Panel → User Account → Change user login or logout method to remove it. Fast user switching is enough~

5. Delete redundant input methods and redundant language types

Delete unused input methods under \windows\ime! (Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese input method, 84.5MB) (Research on which one is which! Sometimes you have to use your own brain, give it a try!) Delete unnecessary input methods

Right-click the input method icon in the lower right corner of the desktop to delete unnecessary input methods. Everyone knows this, but if you look at the hard disk space, the hard disk space has not been reduced. Why is this? It turns out that Windows has not deleted those input method-related files, and we have to manually delete them ourselves

. The following is a list of files related to the input method that comes with Windows.

Full spelling: Winpy.ime, Winpy.mb, Winpy.hlp, Winpy.cnt.

Shuangpin: Winsp.ime, Winsp.mb, Winsp.hlp, Winsp.cnt.

Weipin: Pintllime.dll, Pintlgab.imd, Pintlgai.imd, Pintlgb.imd, Pintlgd.imd,

Pintlgdx.imd, Pintlgie.imd, Pintlgnt.cnt, Pintlgnt .hlp, Pintlgnt.i96,

Pintlgnt.ime, Pintlgrb.imd, Pintlgri.imd, Pintlgs.imd, Pintlgsi.imd, Pintlgsx.imd

Pintlgu.imd, Pintlguc. imd.Pintlphr.exe.

Smart ABC: Winabc.cwd, Abcsda.dll, Abcwin.exe, Winabc.ime, Winabc.ovl, tmmr.rem,

user.rem, Winabc.hlp, Winabc .cnt.

Zhengma: Winzm.ime, Winzm.mb, Winzm.hlp, Winzm.cnt.

Internal code input methods: Wingb.mb, Wingb.hlp, Wingb.cnt.

Shape codes: Winbx.mb, Winbx.ime, Winbx.hlp, Winbx.cnt

9. Turn off redundant system reporting

If you find that your hard drive is making loud noises when your system crashes, it is because WindowsXP is writing a DUMP file, which is of no use to us. You can also turn this Send the error to Microsoft? ~

There is absolutely no need to shut it down~Click My Computer→Properties→Advanced→Startup and Recovery→Settings→

In system failure, only select automatic restart and not write Enter debugging information

10. Delete *shared documents:

By default, when you open My Computer in Windows XP, you will see some folders above the hard disk icon. These are the "Shared Folders", and here are every folder used for users to share files. These folders are extremely annoying and unnecessary. We can make these folders disappear from my computer: Open the registry editor and change the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\DelegateFolders

{59031a47-3f72 -44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}Delete, next time I open my computer, these annoying folders will no longer exist~

MsConfig. Most friends should be familiar with MsConfig, which is a system-built-in Windows setting tool.

Click the Start menu, select "Run", then type "msconfig" in the input box and press Enter. What we need to do is the (Startup) tab. Click it. This tab displays all the programs that run when Windows starts. None of the programs here are life-or-death for Windows, so feel free to get rid of the ones you don't need. After removing some of the check boxes, Windows will start faster and there will be more free system resources.

17. Refuse to group similar taskbars

Although the Windows XP "Group similar taskbar buttons" setting can allow your taskbar to open fewer windows and keep it clean, it is very inconvenient for some tasks that require opening multiple windows of the same type. . If you often use communication software like QQ to chat with people online, if more than two friends are chatting with you at the same time, you will immediately feel the inconvenience caused by the default settings of XP. Every time you want to switch the conversation partner , you need to click on the group first, and then select the friend you want to chat with in the pop-up menu, and each friend displays the same icon in the group. When there are many people to talk to, you may have to click one by one to see what happened. Whoever replied is waiting for your reaction, and if you choose the wrong one, you have to choose from the group again, which is very troublesome. Obviously, this is not as good as opening several windows, and clicking each small window in the taskbar once to start chatting. How to change: Click "Start → Control Panel → Appearance and Themes → Taskbar and Start Menu", and in the pop-up window, uncheck the "Group similar taskbar buttons" option.

18. Modify the login background pattern of Windows XP

You may get tired of the monotonous login pattern that remains unchanged for a long time. We can change it to your favorite pattern through the registry. The steps are as follows: Open In the registry editor, find the HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop subkey branch, double-click wallpaper, and type the path of the picture you selected, such as: c:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Pictures\mypic.bmp, Click "OK", then find Tilewallpaper, double-click it and enter the key value "1", restart the system to see the effect.

19. Let Win First of all, your motherboard BIOS must support 48Bit LBA, and secondly, Win XP Home Edition and Professional Edition must install the SP1 patch. Then open the registry, find the "EnableBigLba" option in the following path "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE System CurrentControlSet Services Atapi Parameter", and change its value from "0" to "1". If this item does not exist, you can create the "DWORD value" item yourself and set it up in the same way. Finally, just restart.

21. Keep the desktop settings unchanged at each startup

We can protect our desktop settings by modifying the registry. No matter what modifications are made, the desktop will be restored as long as it is restarted. The steps are as follows: Open the registry editor, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USERS\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Polices\Explorer subkey branch, find NoSaveSettings under it, its type is REG_SZ, change its key value to "0", or Delete the key-value item directly and restart the system to make the settings take effect.

Disable script error reporting

When IE encounters a script error in a page, it reports an error. Unless you are debugging your own program, even if you know the details of the error, there is no way to correct it. So for most users, reporting script errors is a feature that is neither useful nor useful. Here's how to disable your browser from reporting script errors:

Select "Internet Options" from IE's Tools menu. Select the Advanced tab. Scroll down the list to find the Browse area. Find "Disable script debugging" and check the previous check box.

26. Turn off unnecessary services

Click "Start" → "Settings" → "Control Panel". Double-click "Administrative Tools" → "Services". After opening, you will see a list of services. Some services have been started and some have not. Right-click the service you want to configure and click Properties.

Select "Automatic", "Manual" or "Disabled" on the "General" tab, where "Automatic" means that Windows XP automatically starts the program every time the system starts

Service; "Manual" means that Windows In actual configuration, you can shut down the service by selecting "

Manual" or "Disable". It is recommended to use the manual function so that you can start some temporary needs at any time

services. Some services are necessary for Windows XP and cannot be turned off, otherwise the system will crash

. As for the functions of each service

, we can view it by double-clicking the service or hovering the mouse over the service name. The description of specific services is simple and easy for everyone to understand, and you can choose which ones you want and which ones you don’t want. The modification method is: select the disabled service, right-click, select "

Properties">"Stop", and set the "Startup Type" to "Manual" or "Disabled".

The following are some less commonly used services:

Alerter-error alarm. Disable

AutomaticUpdates-windows automatic updates, does not affect manual updates. Disable

Clipbook - Share pasted/cut content with LAN computers. Disable

ErrorReportingService - error reporter. Disable

FastUserSwitchingCompatibility - multi-user fast switching service, it is better to log out. Disable

HelpandSupport - Help. Manual

HumanInterfaceDeviceAccess - supports HID devices such as multimedia keyboards. Manual

IMAPICD-BurningCOMService-No need for other burning software. Disable

IndexingService-indexing service, used to quickly find files, even if it is turned off. Manual

IPSECServices-security. Manual

NetMeetingRemoteDesktopSharing-Use Netmeeting to realize computer sharing. Disable



PerformanceLogsandAlerts-record machine operating status and write logs or issue warnings regularly. Manual


PrintSpooler-printer service, if you turn it off, you will not be able to print, depending on the situation. Manual

RemoteDesktopHelpSessionManager - Remote Help service, disabled

RemoteRegistry - Remote registry running/modification. Big vulnerability, disable

RoutingandRemoteAccess-routing service.


SecondaryLogon-Assign specified operation rights to users other than administrator. Manual

SecurityAccountsManager-like ProtectedStorage, only required by IISAdmin. Manual

SmartCard-Smart card service, I have not used it. Manual

SmartCardHelper-smart card help, manual

SystemRestoreService-system restore service, decide for yourself. I choose to disable

TCP/IPNetBIOSHelper-if your network does not use Netbios or WINS, just disable

UninterruptiblePowerSupply-used by UPS. Manual

attachmentManager - used to transfer files between the server and the client. Simple file transfer does not require this! Manual

VolumeShadowCopy - Same as MSSoftwareShadowCopyProvider. Manual

WebClient-not sure, I use manual

windowsTime-online time proofreading. Manual

WirelessZeroConfiguration-Wireless network settings service. Manual

WMIPerformanceAdapter - unclear. Manual

Yulin Mufeng Exchange Forum - a true network paradise for rookies:

Introduction to the standard services of winxp professional version

alerter-error alarm. Disable

ApplicationLayerGatewayService – required by some firewall/network sharing software. Manual

Applicationmanagement - used to configure, publish and delete software services. Manual

automaticupdates-windows automatically updates and does not affect manual updates. Disable

backgroundintelligenttransferservice – background intelligent transfer. Manual

clipbook - Share pasted/cut content with LAN computers. Disable

Com+Eventsystem – required by many software. Automatic

COM+Eventsystemapplication - Similar to the above, but not as important. Manual

ComputerBrowser - a service used to browse the LAN, but turning it off does not affect browsing! Manual

CryptographicServices-used when updating windows. Manual

DHCPClient – ??May be required for LAN domain users and broadband ADSL dial-up. Manual

Distributedlinktrackingclient - used to update connection information on the LAN. Manual

DistributedTransactioncoordinator - used for parallel processing, if you are not a server, disable

DNSClient - DNS resolution service. For server use. Manual

Errorreportingservice - error reporter. Disable

EventLog - system logging service, used to find system problems. Automatically

Fastuserswitchingcompatibility - multi-user fast switching services, it is better to log out. Disable

helpandsupport – Help. Manual

Human interface device access - supports HID devices such as multimedia keyboards. Manual

IMAPICD-burningCOMservice - no need for other burning software. Disable

Indexingservice – indexing service, used to quickly find files, even if it is turned off. Manual

InternetConnectionFirewall(ICF)-xp firewall is of no use. Disable

IPSECServices - security-related. Manual

LogicalDiskmanager - Disk management service. Manual

LogicalDiskmanageradministrativeservice - Same as above. Manual

messenger – Use the netsend command to transmit messages within the LAN.


MSsoftwareshadowcopyprovider - software backup. Disable

NetLogon - Log in to the domain. If the LAN is a workgroup or an individual user, please disable

Netmeetingremotedesktopsharing - Use Netmeeting to achieve computer sharing. Disable

NetworkConnections-used for Internet access/LAN! Automatic

NetworkDDE and NetworkDDEDSDM - Disabled

NetworkLocationAwareness - May be required if there is network sharing or ICS/ICF. (Server side) Manual

NTLMSecuritysupportprovider - Safety aspects. Disable

NVIDIADriverHelperservice-nvidia graphics card help, disable

Performancelogsandalerts - record machine operating status and write logs or issue warnings regularly. Manual

PlugandPlay-automatically detects newly installed hardware. Automatic


PrintSpooler-printer service, you will not be able to print if you turn it off, depending on the situation. Manual

ProtectedStorage - Stores local and online service passwords, including "auto-complete" functions when filling out forms. Automatic

QoSRSVP – not needed by individual users. Manual

Remoteaccessautoconnectionmanager - I am ADSL, set to manual

Remotedesktophelpsessionmanager - remote help service, disabled

RemoteProcedureCall (RPC) - system core service! Automatic

RemoteProcedureCallLOCATOR - manages RFC database service, manual

remoteregistry - remote registry operation/modification. Big vulnerability, disable

removablestorage - used for tape backup. Disable

routingandremoteaccess - routing service. Disable

Secondarylogon - Assign specific operation rights to users other than administrator. Manual

securityaccountsmanager - like ProtectedStorage, only required by IISAdmin. Manual

Server-LAN File/Print Sharing required. Automatic

Shellhardwaredetection - unclear, automatic

smartcard - smart card service, I have not used it. Manual

smartcardhelper – Smart card helper, manual

SSDPDiscoveryservice – No hardware makes use of this service. Disable

systemeventnotification-record user login/logout/restart/shutdown information. It depends on the situation. Manual

systemrestoreservice-system restore service, decide by yourself. I chose to disable

taskscheduler-windows scheduled tasks. Disable

TCP/IPNetBIOShelper - If your network does not use Netbios or WINS, disable

Telephony-dial-up service. If your broadband does not use dial-up, then turn it off.

Telnet-big vulnerability, this has nothing to do with the telnet command in dos. Disable

terminalservices - required for remote login to the local computer, fast user switching and remote desktop functions. Disable

themes – if turned off, there will be no beautiful interface. Automatic

uninterruptible power supply - for UPS. Manual

universalplugandplaydevicehost - same as SSDPDiscoveryService. Disable

uploadmanager - used to transfer files between the server and the client. Simple file transfer does not require this! Manual

volumeshadowcopy - same as MSSoftwareShadowCopyProvider.


webclient - not sure, I use manual

WindowsAudio - there is no sound when turned off! Automatic

WindowsInstaller-Windows MSI installation service, manual

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) – used by scanners, but most do not need it. Manual

WindowsManagementInstrumentation – core service. Automatic

Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Rextensions - not as important as the above, manual

Windows Time - online time correction. Manual

wirelesszeroconfiguration - Wireless network setup service. Manual

WMIperformanceadapter–Unclear. Manual

Workstation-Many services rely on this service to support networking and printing/file sharing.


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