Different funds require different funds. Buying new shares on the Hong Kong stock market only requires one hand. Even if you don't have enough cash to buy new shares, you can still buy new shares through financing. If you win, you just have to make up the money you owe. Winning rates vary. Due to the red shoe mechanism, the Hong Kong stock market prefers first-hand retail investors.
Generally speaking, the probability of buying with one hand is greater than that of two hands. Hong Kong stocks refer to stocks listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Hong Kong's stock market is more mature and rational than the mainland's, and is more responsive to world trends. The calculation of winning rate for Hong Kong stocks is different from that for A stocks. The winning bid calculation method for Hong Kong stocks is to take care of small funds and give priority to ensuring that small funds can also win the bid. Therefore, the first-hand bid rate accurately means the probability of getting the first-hand bid among all customers who subscribed for the first-hand bid.
One lot is 100 shares, and 2 lots is 200 shares. Different shares have different amounts. The number of subscriptions for one lot (100 shares) is 215,598, and the number of winning tickets is 195,710. Among them, the number of valid users for one-lot subscription was 6,966, of which 55,733 won the first-lot lottery, with a winning rate of 80%. Calculation method: 5573/69666*100%=80%. The number of valid users who subscribed with two hands was 32,766, the number of winning copies was 28,834, and the average number of signatures per hand was 44%. The calculation method is: (28834/32766)/2=0.439. This is the difference between Hong Kong stocks and A stocks: that is, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange takes care of the first-hand party. A stocks do not have the concept of winning a lottery, only the winning rate.
Hot stocks and unpopular stocks require different strategies. Generally speaking, hot stocks can apply for more lots. "Exit opportunity", buying unpopular stocks is enough. Subscribing multiple lots of popular stocks can effectively increase the winning rate, and subscribe for new stocks through Ed One Stop. app to subscribe. Let us take the previous Nuocheng Jianhua as an example. According to the official announcement of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, *** 132,798 valid accounts participated in the subscription of Nuocheng Jianhua, of which 54,920 valid accounts only purchased 1 lot (other accounts purchased 2 lots or more). Among the 54920 valid accounts (often called the first-hand party because only the first-hand party is purchased), there are 13730 lucky accounts that win, so the first-hand winning rate is 13730, divided by 54920, or 25%.