Many people when getting a new credit card are prompted to sign the back for security. But, do you know which pen you should use to sign your credit card? In fact, this is an important question because using the wrong pen could invalidate your credit card or put your information at risk. So, what kind of pen should I use to sign on the back of a credit card?
First, you should use a grease-based pen to sign your credit card. Oil-based pens adhere better to the plastic surface of credit cards and are less likely to fade or blur. In contrast, water-based pens may rub off or become unclear after a while, which creates risk and danger for your credit card.
Secondly, you should avoid using a pencil or marker to sign your credit card. Pencil signatures are very easy to erase, and marker marks may penetrate into the information layer on the back of the credit card, causing the credit card to become invalid. Moreover, the color development process of these pens is difficult to control. If you use a dark marker to draw your name, someone may be able to read your message.
Finally, don't worry if you've signed your credit card with the wrong pen. Typically, a faulty pen may not cause any damage to a credit card. However, if you mistakenly use a pencil or marker, it is recommended that you re-sign on the back. If you are concerned about the security of your credit card, you can also contact your credit card company for more information, help and advice.
Finally, when signing a credit card, you should use an oil-based pen and avoid using markers and pencils. A correct signature can keep your credit card safe and protect you from financial loss.
I advise you to take the time to sign your credit card!