Membership fees are used to buy support gifts and the like
Generally, some will be paid, and some are also divided into levels. The higher the level, the better the treatment. There are also some gifts that can be given to you, such as party uniforms, bags, hand-painted shoes, badges, masks, necklaces and rings, etc. Of course, you can also buy them under normal circumstances. There are also signed posters and CDs, and you can also pay to purchase albums and the like. Occasionally, celebrities are given gifts, which are usually kept by the management team. For concerts, they can be used to buy light sticks after organizing the concert. There are also flags, lights and other items used to donate money during the Wenchuan earthquake.
In addition, if you have a high level, you will be the first choice to attend the concert. For the more famous fan clubs, high-level people can also meet idols individually, conduct interviews, give gifts, take photos and sign autographs, all in small CASE, and some Give your idols your own kai attire, so when the idols show up wearing their own kai attire, you and they are wearing the same one!