The Tao can be the Tao, but it is not the eternal Tao. A name can be named, but it is not a permanent name. The nameless beginning of all things, the named mother of all things. Therefore: If you always have no desire, you can observe its lust; if you always have desire, you can observe its lust. They come from the same place, have different names and the same predicate. Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all mysteries.
Everyone in the world knows that what is beautiful is beautiful and is evil, and everyone knows that what is good is good and that is not good. Existence and non-existence arise from each other, difficulty and ease complement each other, long and short complement each other, high and low complement each other, sounds harmonize with each other, and succession follows each other. Therefore, the sage lives in doing things without doing anything and teaches without saying anything. Everything is done but cannot be established, it cannot be relied upon, success cannot be established, everything cannot be established, and it is impossible to live in it.
If you are not worthy of virtue, the people will not fight. Goods that are cheap and hard to find will prevent people from stealing. There is no desire to be seen, so that the people will not be in chaos. Therefore, the rule of the sage is to empty his heart and strengthen his belly, weaken his will and strengthen his bones, always making the people ignorant and without desires. Just make the husband aware that he dare not do anything wrong, and then everything will be cured.
It is in the Tao, but it is not full when used. It is deep, like the origin of all things. Defeat its sharpness, dissolve its confusion, harmonize its light, and be the same as its dust, Zhanhe, it seems or exists. I don’t know whose son is the first of Emperor Xiang.
Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs. The saint is unkind and treats the common people as stupid dogs. Between heaven and earth, is it still like a horse? If it is empty but not yielding, it will get better when it moves. It is better to stay in the middle than to learn too much.
The immortality of the Grain God is called the mysterious female. The Gate of Xuanmen is the root of heaven and earth. If it's still there, it won't be useless even if it's used.
Forever. The reason why heaven and earth can last forever is because they do not generate themselves, so they can live forever. Therefore, the sage follows his own body and puts his body first, and his body exists outside his own body. He does not act selfishly, so he can achieve his selfishness.
The best is like water. Water is good for all things and has tranquility. It is disliked by everyone, so it is close to the Tao. Live in a good place, have a good heart, give good deeds, speak good faith, govern well, do good things, and act at good times. The husband does not fight, so there is no need for you.
Hold on and make a profit, which is not as good as it is. It can be sharpened but cannot be kept for a long time. If a house is full of gold and jade, don't guard it. Being rich and arrogant will make you feel guilty. When one's meritorious deeds are fulfilled, the body retreats, which is the way of heaven.
We hug each other, can we stay together? Can a baby be born by stretching the Qi to make it soft? Is it possible to eliminate all mysteries and flaw without any flaws? How can we care less about loving the people and governing the country? When the gate of heaven is open and closed, can it be a female? If you understand Sida, how can you not know Hu? It is born, it is an animal, it cannot exist when it is born, it cannot be slaughtered when it grows up, this is called Xuande.
Thirty spokes have the same hub, so if they are not there, they are used for cars. The 埴埴 is used as a utensil. When it is not there, the 埴 utensil is used. When the door is chiseled out, it can be used as a room if it does not exist. Therefore: if you have it, you will benefit from it, if you don’t have it, you will use it.
The five colors make people blind, the five tones make people deaf, the five flavors make people feel good in the mouth, galloping and hunting make people crazy, and rare goods hinder people's travels. . Therefore, the sage's rule is based on the belly and not the eyes, so he takes this instead of the other.
Being favored or humiliated is like being frightened, being honored is like being in great trouble. What does it mean to be favoured, humiliated or frightened? To be favored is to be humble, to be favored is to be frightened, and to be favoured is to be frightened, and to be favoured is to be frightened. What does it mean to be in great trouble? So I have a big patient. Because I have a body, and I don’t have a body. What's the problem? Therefore: If you value your body and think of the world, you can support the world; if you love your body and think of the world, you can support the world.
Looking at it but not seeing it, it is called micro. If you listen to it and don't know it, you will be known as "Xi". If he fights but cannot get it, he is called barbarian. The three cannot lead to cross-examination, so they are mixed into one. First, there is no confusion above and no confusion below. It is searching and searching. It cannot be named. It returns to nothingness. This is called the form of formlessness and the image of nothing. This is called hope. Then you don't see the back, and you don't see the head. Adhering to the Tao of the present, to control the present, to understand the beginning of the past, this is called Taoism. For more content, follow the practice circle public account.
Those who were good at practicing Taoism in ancient times were subtle and profound, and could not be understood.
The husband couldn't recognize it, so he made a strong appearance and said: Hehe, he is like wading in the water in winter; Juhe, he is as if he is afraid of his neighbors; Yanhe, he is like a guest; Huanhe, he is like ice; Chaoshe, he is like ice. Simple; Nianhe, it is like turbidity; Kuanghe, it is like a valley. The turbid and quiet Xu Qing, and the moving Xu Sheng. Those who maintain this way do not want to be full, but the husband does not want to be full. Therefore it can be concealed but not accomplished.
To the extreme of emptiness, I must keep calm and supervise. All things are happening nearby, and I can observe their recovery. All things return to their roots. Returning to the roots is called tranquility, and tranquility means returning to life. Life is always restored, knowledge is always clear. I don't know what's normal, and I act recklessly. Know that the appearance is permanent, the appearance is the male, the male is the king, the king is the sky, the sky is the Tao, the Tao is the long-term, and the body is not destroyed.
Your Majesty, your subordinates know about it, secondly, you praise it personally, thirdly, you are afraid of it, your subordinates insult it, you don’t believe it enough, you don’t believe it if there is a case, youhe, it’s your noble words. also. I succeed, and the people call me natural.
Therefore, the great road is abolished, but the case is benevolent and righteous. When knowledge comes out, there is a big falsehood in the case. When the six relatives are at odds, the case involves filial piety and kindness. The state is in chaos, and there is a loyal minister in the case.
The people will benefit a hundredfold if they abandon the holy and abandon the wise. Absolute benevolence and righteousness are abandoned, and the people return to filial piety and kindness. The greatest skill is discarded, and there are no thieves. These three words are thought to be insufficient, so they are given their own meaning: See simplicity and embrace simplicity, think less and have few desires, and learn without worry.
How different are Wei and He? How are beauty and evil different from each other? What people fear, we cannot avoid being afraid of. It's so weird. Everyone is bustling, if they enjoy being in Tai Lao, they will come to the stage in spring. I am still young, just like a baby without a child. I feel tired and have nowhere to go. Everyone has more than enough, but I am the only one left behind. I have a foolish heart and am stupid. The ordinary person Zhao Zhao, I am alone in a daze. The ordinary person observes, I am alone Min Min. In a daze, it is like the sea, in a daze, it is as if there is no end. Everyone has it, but I am the only one who is stubborn and despicable. I want to be unique from others, but I value my mother-in-law.
Confucius’ appearance is the only way to follow the Tao. The things of Tao are only vague and trance, trance and trance, there is an image in it, looking and trance, there is something in it, it is dark and dark, and there is essence in it. It's so true, and there's faith in it. From ancient times to the present, his name has not been removed, in order to obey all the fathers. How do I know what the fathers are like? With this.
He who cooks will not stand up; he who thinks of himself will not be enlightened; he who sees himself will not be clear; he who cuts himself down will have no success; he who is proud of himself will not grow. It is in the Tao, and it is said: If you eat more than you want, you may have evil things, so those who have desires cannot live there.
The crooked one is complete, the wrong one is straight. If it is depressed, it will be full, if it is empty, it will be new. Less is gain, more is confusion. Therefore, the sage sticks to one thing and thinks it is the standard for the world. If you don't think highly of yourself, you will be outstanding; if you don't see yourself, you will be wise; if you don't cut yourself down, you will be successful; if you are not cautious, you will be able to grow; if you don't fight with yourself, you can't compete with him. The ancient saying that the music is complete is a false statement, but the truth is true.
I hope it will be natural, the wind will never end, and the heavy rain will never end. Why is this? Heaven and earth can't last forever, how much worse than humans? Therefore, those who practice Tao are the same as Tao, those who are virtuous are the same as virtue, and those who lose are the same as failure. What is the same as virtue, Tao is also virtue. The same as those who have lost, the Tao has also been lost.
There are things that are mixed together, born from heaven and earth, and are independent and unchangeable. They can be the mother of heaven and earth. I don't know its name, but it's called Dao, and its strong name is called Da. The big day is called passing, the passing day is said to be far away, and the far away day is called reverse. The Tao is great, the sky is great, the earth is great, and the king is also great. There are four great powers in the country, and the king occupies one of them. Man follows the earth, earth follows heaven, heaven follows Tao, and Tao follows nature.
Heaviness is the root of lightness, tranquility is the rule of impatience, so a gentleman walks all day long without leaving his baggage. Although there are shopping malls, Yan Chu is as bright as a moon. How can the Lord of ten thousand chariots despise the world with his own body? If you act lightly, you will lose your roots; if you act impetuously, you will lose your authority.
Those who are good at deeds will have no traces, those who are good at words will have no flaws, and those who are good at numbers will not be able to make plans. Those who are good at closing have no ties and cannot be opened; those who are good at knotting have no ties and cannot be untied. Therefore, a saint is always good at saving people without abandoning them, and he never abandons wealth. This is called enlightenment. Therefore: A good person is a teacher of good people; a bad person is the resource of good people. If you don't value your teachers and don't love your talents, even if you know it, you will be greatly confused. This is called a lack of knowledge.
Knowing the male and guarding the female become the stream of the world; becoming the stream of the world, the constant virtue will never leave; the constant virtue will never leave, and it will return to the baby. Knowing its glory and guarding its disgrace is the valley of the world; to be the valley of the world, constant virtue is enough; constant virtue is sufficient, and it returns to simplicity. Knowing the white and keeping the black is the way of the world; it is the way of the world, constant virtue is not excessive; constant virtue is not excessive, and it returns to the infinite.
The simple powder is used as a weapon, and the sage uses it to become an official.
If you want to take over the world, I will do it, but I don’t think it will be possible. It is a divine weapon in the world and cannot be used. Those who do it will fail, and those who insist will lose it. Things may move or follow, may hush or blow, may be strong or weak, may be cultivated or weak, so the sage should eliminate the extreme, the great, and the extravagant.
If you use Dao to assist the people and do not use soldiers to make the world stronger, it will be easy to repay. Where the teacher lives, there are thorns and thorns. The good ones have already achieved their results, so there is no need to take advantage of them. If you are fruitful, don't be arrogant, if you are fruitful, don't be proud, if you are fruitful, don't cut it down, if you are fruitful, you have no choice but to live there. This means that fruitfulness is not strong. Things grow old when they are strong, which is called immorality, but they have already been immoral.
The soldier is an ominous weapon, and the object may be evil, so those who have desires cannot live there. When a gentleman lives on the left, he values ??the left; when using troops, he values ??the right. Therefore, soldiers are not the weapon of a gentleman. Soldiers are an unlucky weapon and should be used as a last resort. The most important thing is to strike with a sharp blow, don't be beautiful. If you are beautiful, you will be happy to kill people. Fule kills people, so he cannot succeed in the world. Therefore, auspicious events are on the left, and funeral events are on the right. Therefore, the general on the left is on the left, and the general on the right is on the right. Those who kill people should be mourned and wept. If they are defeated, they should be punished with funeral rites.
Daoheng is nameless. Although it is simple, there are no brave ministers in the world. If the princes and kings can guard it, all things will be in harmony with each other, and the heaven and earth will be harmonious. With the dew of Yu, the people will not obey the orders. Self-equal. There is a name in the beginning, and since the name is there, you will also know the stop, and know the stop, so you will not be in danger. The Tao is in the world, just like a small valley is in the rivers and seas.
He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise. He who conquers others is powerful, and he who conquers himself is strong. Those who are content are rich, and those who are strong are ambitious. Those who do not lose their place will live long, and those who die without forgetting will live long.
The Tao is broad, it can be controlled, and it can be accomplished successfully without any name. If all things return to Yan but not to be the master, then there is no desire at all, so it can be called small. If all things return to Yan but not to be the master, it can be called big. Therefore, the saint can become great because he is not great.
Hold the elephant and the world will go without harm, peace and tranquility, pleasure and bait, and passers-by will stop. Therefore, the way the Tao speaks is: It is tasteless when you taste it; you cannot see it when you look at it; you cannot hear it when you hear it; you cannot use it.
If you want to avoid it, you must maintain it. If the desire is weak, it must be strengthened. If you want to get rid of it, you must strengthen it. If you want to seize it, you must hold it firmly. This is called twilight: softness is better than strongness, fish cannot escape from the abyss, and the sharp weapons of the state cannot be shown to others.
The Tao is eternal and nameless. If the princes and kings can guard it, all things will transform themselves. If you want to transform it into something, I will leave it with nameless simplicity. Khotan is known for its nameless simplicity, and the husband will not be humiliated. Do not be humiliated and remain calm, and the world will be right.
To be virtuous is to be virtuous, and to be virtuous is to be virtuous. The highest virtue means doing nothing but not thinking about it; the lower virtue means doing it but thinking about it; the superior benevolence means doing it but not thinking about it; the superior virtue means doing it but not thinking about it; the superior virtue means doing it but not responding, so it is thrown away. Therefore, losing virtue will lead to virtue, losing virtue will lead to benevolence, losing benevolence will lead to righteousness, and losing righteousness will lead to propriety. The husband's propriety is the weakest in loyalty, but it is also the head of chaos; the former is the splendor of the Tao, but the head of stupidity. Therefore, a man is more important than a weak one; he is practical but not beautiful, so he goes there. And take this.
In the past, the sky was clear, the earth was peaceful, the gods were spiritual, the grains were full, and all things were alive. , the princes and kings thought that the world was right. The result is: If the sky is not clear, it will be afraid of being broken; if the earth is not peaceful, it will be ruined; if the gods are not spiritual, they will be afraid of dying; if the grains are not full, they will be exhausted; if all things are not born, they will be destroyed. It is said that the princes and princes are no longer noble, and the high generals are afraid of being defeated. Therefore, it must be noble and base on base, and it must be high and base on base. So the princes and kings claim that they are lonely, widowed, and have no crops. Is this the root of base? No, so it leads to numbers, and there is no public opinion. Therefore, if you have no desire, your wealth will be like jade, and your Luoluo will be like a stone.
When a sergeant hears the Tao, he walks on it; when a sergeant hears the Tao, he lives or perishes; when a junior officer hears the Tao, he laughs; if you don’t laugh, it is not enough for the Tao. Therefore, it is said that the enlightened way is like spending money, the advancing way is like retreating, and the unruly way is like kind. Superior virtue is like grain, enlightenment is like humiliation, broad virtue is like inadequacy, and building virtue is like stealing. The quality is as true as Chongqing, it is generous and has no corners, the great instrument is easy to complete, the great sound is rare, the celestial phenomena are invisible, the praise of the Tao is nameless, the husband only has the Tao, good beginning and good completion.
The one who returns is the movement of Tao; the one who is weak is the use of Tao. Everything in the world is born from existence, and existence is born from nothingness.
Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives rise to all things. All things carry yin and embrace yang, and the qi in the middle is thought to be in harmony. The only evil in the world is being alone, widowed, and lacking in food. But princes and princes take their own names. Things may be lost and benefited, and benefits may be lost. Therefore, what others have taught is here. Discuss and teach others. Therefore, those who are strong will not die. We I will consider you my father.
The most soft in the world, galloping against the most strong in the world, nothing enters into the infinite, I know that doing nothing is beneficial. The benefits of teaching without words and doing nothing can only be achieved in the world.
Who is related to name and body? Which one has more body or goods? Which disease is good or bad? If you love too much, you will spend a lot of money, and if you hoard too much, you will die richly. Therefore, if you know what you are satisfied with, you will not be disgraced.
If a great achievement is lacking, its usefulness will not be exhausted. If there is a big surplus, it will be of endless use. Great straightness is like a sword, great skill is like clumsiness, great victory is like melting. Impatience is better than cold, tranquility is better than heat, tranquility can bring justice to the world.
There is a way in the world, but it is just a matter of dung. There is no way in the world, and soldiers and horses are born in the suburbs. There is no sin greater than desire, no disaster greater than dissatisfaction, no guilt greater than desire. Therefore, knowing what is enough is always enough.
Do not leave home to know the world. Don't peek into the window to know the way of heaven. Its origin is also very far, and its knowledge is also very small. This is because the sage knows without doing it, understands without seeing it, and cannot do it.
Being a scholar day by day, those who hear the Tao will be damaged day by day, and they will be damaged again and again, until they do nothing. If you do nothing but do everything, even if you want to conquer the world, you will always have nothing to do, and even if you have something to do, it will not be enough to conquer the world.
The sage always has no heart and takes the hearts of the people as his heart. What is good is good, what is not good is also good, and virtue is good. Those who believe believe in it, and those who do not believe also believe in it. This is virtue. When a sage is in the world, he is like a child, and he is the heart of the world. The people are all ears and eyes, and the saints are all children.
From birth to death, three out of ten people will be born, and three out of ten people will die, and all human beings will die in three out of ten places. Why? Use it for life. Gai heard that those who are good at holding on to life will not encounter tigers when walking in the mausoleum, and will not be attacked by armored soldiers when entering the army. The tiger has no horns to grasp, the tiger has no claws to grasp, the soldier has no blade to grasp, why do you think so? Because of its immortality.
When Tao is born, virtue is brought to animals, and when things are punished, weapons are made into it. This is why all things respect Tao and value virtue. The respect of Tao and the nobleness of virtue are not the same. It is natural to be noble and permanent. Tao means giving birth to animals, growing them, nurturing them, paviling them, poisoning them, nourishing them, and overturning them. When you are born, you cannot have it, when you do it, you cannot rely on it, and when you grow up, you cannot control it. This is called Xuande.
The world has a beginning, and it is considered the mother of the world. Once you have found the mother, you can know the son. If you shut your door and shut your door, you will never be vigilant for the rest of your life. Encourage him to redeem him and help him, but he will not save him for the rest of his life. When it is seen, it is said to be bright; when it is kept soft, it is said to be strong. Use its light to restore its brightness without leaving your body in harm's way. This is called constant attack.
It makes me know how to walk on the road, and I only use this fear. The road is barbaric, but the people are easy to understand. When the dynasty is in ruins, the fields are barren, and the warehouses are empty; if you have a literary talent, a sharp sword, and anorexia but have plenty of goods, this is called stealing and boasting, and stealing and boasting is not the way to go.
Those who are good at building will never pull up, those who are good at hugging will not take off, and descendants will continue to offer sacrifices. If you cultivate your body, your virtue will be true; if you cultivate your family, your virtue will be abundant; if you cultivate your hometown, your virtue will be long; if you cultivate your country, your virtue will be abundant; if you cultivate it in the world, your virtue will be broad. Observe the body through the body, the family through the family, the township through the township, the state through the state, and the world through the world. How can I know what is going on in the world? Hereby.
A person with strong virtues is better than an innocent child. He cannot be stung by bees, flies, snakes, cannot fight against birds and fierce beasts, has weak bones and soft muscles but strong grip. It is not known that when a male and a female unite and make a sound, the essence is perfect; when the male and female are horning all day long without making a sound, the harmony is perfect. Harmony is called Chang, Zhi Chang is called Ming, Yisheng is called Xiang, and Heart Qi is called Qiang. When things are strong, they grow old, which is called immorality, and if they are immoral, they die early.
Those who know cannot speak, and those who speak cannot understand. Stopping its dui, closing its door, harmonizing its light, sharing its dust, dampening its sharpness, and resolving its confusion, this is called Xuantong. Therefore, they cannot be obtained but are close, cannot be obtained and are distant, cannot be obtained and are benefited, cannot be obtained and harmed, cannot be obtained and are noble, cannot be obtained and are humble, so they are noble in the world.
Rule the country with integrity, use military force with surprise, and conquer the world with nothing. How do I know this? If there are many taboos in the world, the people will be poor; if there are many people with sharp weapons, the country will become weak; if the people have many skills, there will be many strange things; if there are many dharma things, there will be many thieves. This is what the sage said: I do nothing and the people become themselves. I like to be quiet and the people are upright. I do nothing and the people become rich. I want no desire and the people are simple.
Its government is Minmin, its people are in villages, its government is Chacha, and its state is lacking. Disasters are where blessings depend; blessings are where disasters lie. Who knows their extremes? It has no righteousness. If it is righteous, it will become strange, and if it is good, it will become a monster. As people know, their days have been solid for a long time. It is square but not cut, combined but not thorny, straight but not dull, and light but not dazzling.
No one is stingy when it comes to managing people, but the husband is stingy, so take it early. Early obedience means emphasizing the accumulation of virtue. If you emphasize the accumulation of virtue, you will be able to overcome everything. If you are unable to overcome everything, you will not know the extreme. If you don't know the extreme, you can have a country. If you have the mother of a country, you can last for a long time. This is the way to have deep roots and long-term vision.
Ruling a big country is like cooking small delicacies and spreading the word to the world. Is it a ghost? It's neither a ghost nor a god. Doesn't his spirit hurt people? If it is not a god, it will not hurt people, and a saint will not be hurt. Husbands and wives do not hurt each other, so their virtues return to each other.
In a great country, they are inferior. The female in the world is also the friend of the world. The female always beats the male with her tranquility, which is why she is quiet. Therefore, if a small state is below a big state, then it is a small state, and if a small state is below a big state, it is a big state. Therefore, you can either go down to get it, or you can go down and get it. Therefore: Those in a big country only want to be a domestic and human being, and those in a small country only want to be a foreigner. If everyone gets what they want, the big one should be the next one.
Tao is the master of all things, the treasure of good people, and the treasure of bad people. Good words can win the market, and respectable deeds can congratulate others. If people are not good, why abandon them? Therefore: When the emperor is established and has three ministers, even if he has a jade to mount his horse first, it is not as good as sitting in this way. Why did people value this way in ancient times? It doesn’t mean that you will get what you ask for, but you will avoid getting it if you are guilty? Therefore, it is noble in the world.
To do nothing, to do nothing, to have no taste, no matter how big or small, repaying grievances with virtue. The picture is as difficult as it is easy, and it is as big as it is detailed. The difficult things in the world are made easy, and the great things in the world are made small. Therefore, the saint is not great in the end, so he can become great. If a husband makes a promise lightly, he will be distrustful; if it is easy, it will be difficult. It is because the sage resists difficulties, so there is no difficulty in the end.
It is safe and easy to maintain. It's not a sign, it's easy to plan. It is brittle and easy to judge. It's tiny and easy to scatter. To treat it is to prevent it from being chaotic, to treat it to prevent it from being chaotic. The tree that joins the arms is made from the smallest grain, the platform that is nine feet from the ground, and the height that is a hundred feet from the ground. Those who try to do it will be defeated, and those who hold on to it will lose it. Therefore, the sage does nothing, so he has no failures, and he has no attachments, so he has no mistakes. When the people are engaged in work, they always succeed and then fail. If they are cautious about the end as well as the beginning, there will be no failure. Therefore, the sage desires things that are rare but does not value them, learns without learning and repeats the mistakes of others. He can support the nature of all things and dare not do anything.
Therefore it is said: Those who follow the Tao will not enlighten the people, but will make them stupid. The people's problems are difficult to manage because of their knowledge. Therefore, knowing a state through knowledge is a traitor to the state; knowing a state through ignorance is a virtue of the state. I always know these two, and I also know the style. Constantly knowing Ji Shi, this is called Xuande. Xuande is profound and far-reaching, contrary to things, and even great.
The reason why Jianghai can be called the King of Hundred Grains is because he is good at it. Therefore, if a sage wishes to reach the people, he must use his words to disseminate it. If he wants to precede his people, he must leave them behind. When I live in front of my former residence, the people do not harm me. When I live above, the people do not care about me. The world likes me but does not dislike me. Since there is no dispute, no one in the world can compete with him.
A small country with few people: it makes hundreds of weapons go unused, and the people die again and move far away. There are chariots and boats with nothing to ride on, and armor and soldiers with nothing to display, so the people can knot ropes and use them. Enjoy their food, enjoy their clothes, be happy with their customs, and live in peace. Neighbors look at each other, chickens and dogs hear each other, and people will not interact with each other until they grow old and die.
Trustful words are not beautiful, and beautiful words are not believed. A person who knows is not knowledgeable, and a person who is knowledgeable does not know. There are not many good ones, and those who have many are not good. The sage has no accumulation: if he thinks of others, he will have more; if he gives to others, he will have more. Therefore: The way of heaven is to benefit but not to harm; the way of man is to do things without fighting.
Everyone in the world says that I am big, but I am big but not shabby. I am big because I am shabby.
If Xiao has been there for a long time, the details are: Husband, I always have three treasures to hold on to and protect them: the first is kindness; the second is frugality; and the third is not daring to be the first in the world. Kindness leads to courage, frugality leads to broadness, and daring not to be the first in the world leads to success. If you give up your kindness and courage, give up your frugality and broadness, give up your behind and take the lead, you will definitely die. If you are kind, you will win by fighting, and you will be strong by guarding. Heaven will make it strong like a wall of kindness.
He who is good at being a soldier does not fight with force, he who is good at fighting does not get angry, he who is good at defeating the enemy is not willing to give to him, and he who is good at using people is subordinate. This is called the virtue of not fighting, and it is called using people. , it is called matching the sky, which is the ultimate in ancient times.
There is a saying about military use: I dare not act as a guest while being the host; I will not advance an inch but retreat a foot. This means that if you have no actions, no arms to fight, and no soldiers to hold on, you will be invincible. There is no greater misfortune than being invincible. If invincible is close to destroying me, I will be blessed. Therefore, if the troops are equal, the one who mourns will win.
What I say is easy to know and easy to do, but few people can understand it, and few people can do it. It is said that there is a king and things have a lineage, but it is just ignorance, because I don't know. If you know the truth, then I am noble. This is why the saint is brown but has jade in his heart.
It’s still a matter of whether you know or not. I don’t know, I’m sick. This is why the sage is not sick, and he is sick because of his illness. This is why he is not sick.
If the people are not afraid of authority, great authority will come. Don't hate where they live, don't hate where they live. I never get tired of it, so I never get tired of it. Therefore, the sage knows himself but does not see himself, loves himself but does not value himself, so he goes away from the other and takes this.
Those who are brave will be killed, and those who are brave but not will live. Both of these may be beneficial or harmful. Who knows why Heaven is evil? The way of heaven is to be good at winning without fighting, to be good at responding without words, to come without being summoned, to be silent but to be good at planning, to be sparse but not missing in the sky's net.
If the people are stable and not afraid of death, how can they be afraid of killing? If the people are always afraid of death, and I will find and kill those who behave abnormally, who dares? If the people are always afraid of death, there will always be those who are responsible for killing them. The husband who kills on behalf of the chief craftsman is also the one who kills on behalf of the great craftsman. The great craftsmen of my husband's generation seldom cut their hands without hurting them.
The people are hungry because of the high food tax. The common people are not cured because they think there is something above them, so they are not cured. The people despise death because they are eager to survive. Those who have nothing to do with their lives are virtuous and noble students.
People are weak in life, and strong in death. All plants and trees are soft and fragile when they are alive, and withered when they die. Therefore, it is said: Those who are strong are the disciples of death; those who are weak and subtle are the disciples of life. Therefore, if the army is strong, it will be invincible, and if the wood is strong, it will be defeated. The strong and powerful are at the bottom, and the weak and subtle are at the top.
The way of the world is to draw the bow. Those who are high suppress it, those who are low lift it up, those who have more will lose it, and those who are deficient will make up for it. Therefore: In the way of heaven, there is more than enough harm but not enough benefit. The way of man is not like that, if the loss is not enough, there will be more than enough. Who can have enough to take it and enshrine it in heaven? Only those who are Taoist? This means that one does not rely on saints, and one does not live in success. If this is the case, he does not want to see a virtuous person.
No one in the world is softer than water, and no one who attacks the strong can win, because it is impossible to defeat it easily. Water conquers strength, and the weak conquers the strong. No one in the world knows this, but no one can do it. Therefore, the sage said: If one accepts the filth of his country, he is the master of the country; if he accepts the unknown status of his country, he is the king of the world. Quite the contrary.
If there is a big grievance, there will always be residual grievances. How can we do good? Therefore, the sage guides you and does not place blame on others. Therefore, there is De Si Jie, but there is no De Si Che. Husband has no relatives in heaven, but always associates with good people.
1. The A and B volumes of the silk book "Laozi" unearthed from the Mawangdui Han Tomb are the oldest editions so far.
2. Some of the supplementary texts in the silk version refer to the He Shang Gong version.
With a grateful heart, altruistic heart, you and me
Let us go together