Modify TARGETS -> General -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content
The Embed method of the newly introduced Framework
is modified to
< p> macOS: macOS Big Sur 11.4iOS: 14.6
iPhone: iPhone XR
Xcode: Version 12.5 (12E262)
Real machine debugging reports such an error:
Expand Details as shown in the figure
Signature issues caused by third-party SDK
Through the file command, the result is
The output result is
It means it is a static library, we choose Do not embed
Reference link
Do not embed static frameworks and libraries ( linking happens at build time), only shared ones (dynamic linking happens at run time, so they need to be in your bundle).
Do not embed static frameworks and libraries (linking happens at build time), only shared ones Embed shared frameworks and libraries (dynamic linking happens at runtime, so they need to be in your package).
file frameworkToLink.framework/frameworkToLink will return:
Not required if it already has a proper signature (adhoc doesn't count).
codesign -dv frameworkToLink.framework will return:
what is the difference between Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks
deepL machine translation