Import *;
Import java.util. *;
Import *;
Public class ReadPFX {
public ReadPFX (){
//Convert to hexadecimal string
Public static string Byte2String(byte[] b) {
String hs =
String stmp =
for(int n = 0; N<b. length; n++) {
stmp =(Java . lang . integer . tohexstring(b[n]& amp; 0x ff));
if(stmp . length()= = 1)hs = hs+" 0 "+stmp;
else hs = hs+stmp;
//if(n & lt; b . length- 1)hs = hs+":";
Returns hs.touppercase ();
Public static byte [] String byte (integer) {
int temp = number
Byte[]b = new byte [4];
for(int I = b . length- 1; I>- 1; I-) {
B[i] = new integer (temp & amp0xff). byte value(); //Save the highest bit in the lowest bit.
temp = temp & gt& gt8; //Move 8 bits to the right
Return to b;
private key GetPvkformPfx(String strPfx,String strPassword){
Try {
KeyStore ks = KeyStore . getinstance(" pkcs 12 ");
file inputstream fis = new file inputstream(strPfx);
//If the keystore password is empty (""), then we must set it.
//to null, otherwise no! ! !
char[]n password = null;
if((str password = = null)| | str password . trim()。 Equal to ("") {
nPassword = null
nPassword = str password . tochararray();
fis . close();
system . out . println(" keystore type = "+ks . gettype());
//Now we cycle through all aliases, and we need aliases to get the key.
//This value seems to be the Friendly Name field in.
//details tab & lt; -Certificate window & lt- View & lt- Certificate
//Button & lt; -Content tab <- Internet options < -Tools menu
//In MS IE 6.
enumeration enumas = ks . aliases();
String keyAlias = null
If (enumas.hasMoreElements())// We only read one certificate.
key alias =(String)enumas . nextelement();
system . out . println(" alias =["+keyAlias+"]");
//Now once we know the alias, we can get the key.
system . out . println(" is key entry = "+ks . iskey entry(keyAlias));
private key prikey =(private key)ks . getkey(keyAlias,nPassword);
certificate cert = ks . get certificate(keyAlias);
public key pubkey = cert . get public key();
system . out . println(" cert class = "+cert . getclass()。 getName());
system . out . println(" cert = "+cert);
system . out . println(" public key = "+pubkey ");
System.out.println ("private key ="+prikey ");
Return to prikey
Capture (exception e)
e . printstacktrace();
Returns null