After the download is completed, open the settings, click General, and drop down to find VPN and device management. You can see the configuration profile on this page.
Click the description file, and you can see the information of the description file in this interface. Such as signer, description, etc.
You can also click Delete Profile to delete the profile, and then click More Details to view more specific information about the profile.
Description file introduction:
To create and edit configuration profiles, use the administration portal of Profile Manager. Make sure Profile Manager is running, and then perform the following steps.
In your web browser, enter the URL of Profile Manager, or click the "Open Profile Manager" link in the Profile Manager pane of the server application.
Log in to Profile Manager with an administrator account, select the device, user or group that will receive the settings, click Settings, and then click Edit.
Select the payload in the list on the left, click Configure, edit the settings, and then click OK. You can configure multiple payloads for a single configuration profile.
Click Save to save the changes to the selected user or group. You can edit your profile at any time. The user's changes will take effect when the user downloads the updated configuration file.