Color word code
/C00 White
/C0 1 yellow
/CO2 light green
/C03 Green
/C04 Orange
/C05 Orange
/C06 cyan
/C07 Purple
/C08 Dark orange
/C09 Gray
/C 10 cyan
/C 1 1 light yellow
/C 12 yellowish.
/C 13 blue
/C 14 turquoise
/C 15 purple
/C 16 brightness color
/C 17 yellow
/C 18 is similar to 1 1 in color.
/C 19 white
/C20 red.
1 ? When you want to send color text, add /C+ color number+what you want to send in the input box. For example, if I want to send a purple "ah", I will type /C 15, and the color text will be sent out. Entering other colors in turn will have the following effects.
Note: Sometimes the color of colored words is not necessarily fixed. Anyway, the code is between C00 and C20, and everyone can try it!