Q: What is an electronic signature?
A: The definition of an electronic signature in the Electronic Signature Law is: "It is contained in a data message in electronic form, accompanied by data for identifying the identity of the signer and indicating that the signer approves its contents".
Q: What are the four elements of an electronic signature?
A: Data message, identity authentication, expression of true will and tamper prevention.
Q: What is a third-party electronic signature?
Answer: "Third-party electronic signature" is different from the traditional "electronic signature" and adopts SaaS delivery mode, which not only reduces the use threshold of enterprise users, but also reduces the deployment time and cost, and does not exceed the scope of the four elements of "reliable electronic signature".
Q: What industries are the third-party electronic signatures mainly used in?
A: At present, all walks of life such as finance, insurance, third-party payment, tourism, real estate, logistics, B2B, B2C and HR are using third-party electronic signatures.
Q: What is the overall situation of the domestic third-party electronic signature market at present?
A: At present, there are three trends in the domestic third-party electronic signature market: electronic signature products/services based on SaaS delivery mode launched by domestic CA certification bodies; Electronic signature products/services based on SaaS delivery mode launched by established electronic signature or data security enterprises; Third-party electronic signature products/services launched by enterprises specializing in the field of electronic signature founded by entrepreneurs of CA institutions, law firms, data security, Internet, operators and other enterprises.
Q: What are the services/functions of third-party electronic signature? What application methods are provided?
A: Third-party electronic signature provides electronic signature, contract management, legal services and other functions; Provide three application modes: third-party public platform, API/SDK and local deployment.
Q: What are the advantages of third-party electronic signatures?
Answer: It is more convenient to store electronic contracts, improve contract signing and circulation efficiency, save contract signing time by using electronic signatures, make multiple contracts legally effective by using electronic signatures, effectively prevent information from being tampered with, improve storage security, save express delivery costs and paper costs, enhance corporate image, save physical space for online storage of electronic contracts, help enterprises transform to the Internet, respond to the requirements of superiors, meet the needs of leaders for mobile signatures, and benchmark the success of enterprises/partners.
Q: What is a reliable electronic signature?
A: Reliable electronic signature: 1. Lock the true identity of the signing subject; 2. Effectively prevent file tampering; 3. Record the signature time accurately.
Q: What is the scope of application of electronic signature?
A: Electronic signatures can be used in other industries except the following four situations: (1) personal relationships such as marriage, adoption and inheritance; (two) involving the transfer of real estate rights such as land and houses; (three) involving the cessation of water supply, heating, gas supply, power supply and other public utilities services; (4) Other circumstances in which electronic documents are not applicable as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.
Q: What are the most common ways to realize electronic signature?
Answer: 1, digital signature; 2. Authoritative certification; 3. Trusted timestamp
Q: What are the main functions of electronic signature?
A: Electronic signature is a broad concept. Digital signature can be regarded as an implementation of electronic signature, which provides higher functions than the basic requirements of electronic signature. Two functions: identifying the signer and indicating the signer's approval of the content.
Q: Does an electronic signature have legal effect?
A: According to Articles 5 to 8 of the Electronic Signature Law, electronic contracts that lock the true identity of the signatory, effectively prevent document tampering and accurately record the signing time are legally recognized.
Q: In which industry is electronic signature most widely used? Why?
A: From the perspective of industry distribution, Internet finance is at the forefront of third-party electronic signature practice, and the policy (stipulating that mutual gold platforms must sign contracts with customers) puts forward standardized requirements for signing mutual gold platforms. A large number of electronic contracts generated by the nature of internet provide high-quality application scenarios for third-party electronic signatures.
Q: What is the application scenario of electronic signature in B2B industry?
A: The application scenario of FADA electronic signature in B2B industry: using electronic signature technology, participating in platform supply chain management, improving platform efficiency and making contract signing management safer. B2B platform can sign settlement agreements with settled enterprises, and platform customers can also sign purchase agreements. When the upstream and downstream supply chain enterprises have transactions, they can sign large-value transaction contracts with French electronic signatures. Before the platform helps enterprises to coordinate logistics, transportation, warehousing and dispatching, they can sign an entrustment management agreement with enterprises in advance to stipulate the rights and responsibilities of all parties to avoid wrangling afterwards.