2. Click OK to open the welcome interface (please note that the TSM server version is If you want to use TSM's latest Operation Center, TSM server version must be at least, click Next.
3. Select TSM EE Extended Edition.
4. Choose to accept the license agreement
5. Select the installation path of tsm server, and then click Next.
It is generally recommended not to choose system partition installation.
6. Check the components to be installed (do not select a storage agent), and then click Next.
7. Select Yes in this step, and then click Next.
8. Select No to use the inverter with the equipment.
(This is different from the version selection before version 6.4)
9. Select a language pack
10. To start the installation process, first install DE (Deployment Engine).
1 1. After the operation before configuration is completed, a summary message will be given. After confirmation, click Install.
If the following DB2 installation fails.
(Thanks to my colleague Wang Wei for troubleshooting)
The solution is as follows:
1) reads the DB2_inst.log log file, which is similar to the following contents underlined in bold:
Si (s) (60: 6c) [18: 31:01:757]: Product: DB2 Enterprise Server Edition -DB2 TSM 1- Error 1330. The required file cannot be installed because the digital signature of the CAB file f: \ tsmima ~1\ coi \ packaging ~1\ DB2 \ files \ ese \ image \ DB2 \ Windows \ base0000.cab is incorrect. It may indicate that the CAB file is corrupted. WinVerifyTrust returned error 266.
Error 1330. The required file cannot be installed because the digital signature of the CAB file f: \ tsmima ~1\ coi \ packaging ~1\ DB2 \ files \ ese \ image \ DB2 \ Windows \ base0000.cab is incorrect. It may indicate that the CAB file is corrupted. WinVerifyTrust returned error 266.
Operation end 18: 3 1: 0 1: Installation completed. Return value 3.
1: the current directory of the process has been changed to c: \ users \ admini ~1\ appdata \ local \ temp \ _ db20000.
1: All installation helper dlls have been successfully loaded.
1: EndInstallEventLog call succeeded.
End of operation 18:3 1:03: Installation. Return value 3.
2) IBM TechNote guide has been completed.
/support/docview.wss? uid=swg 1IC92436
3) The steps are roughly as follows:
3. 1. Run certmgr.msc and select under Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
"VeriSign Class Public Major Certification Body-G5"
3.2. Import the certificate; (Note: certificate download address /support/root. html)
If the installation fails, please uninstall DE and reinstall it. Generally, TSM6.4 can be installed on Windows in ten minutes.