# include & ltiostream & gt
# include & lt string & gt
Use namespace std
Fruit (constant string & ampnst = "Apple", constant string & ampcst = "green "): name (nst), color (cst){}
~ Fruit () {}
Friends of Oysters & Operator & lt& lt(ostream & ampos, const Fruit & amp);
String name; String color;
Oyster &; Operator & lt& lt(ostream & ampos, const Fruit & ampf)
Os<& lt "name is"<& ltf.name & lt& lt. color is "<& lt color & lt& ltendl.
Return to OS;
int main()
Fruit apple;
Cout & lt& lt apples;
Returns 0;
authorized strength
G++ BD. c-o 1- wall
run quickly
. / 1
The name is Apple. The color is green.
No error
G++(GCC)2008 1 105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation.
This is free software; See the source for reproduction conditions. not have
Warranty; Not even for marketability or fitness for a particular purpose.
What compiler does the landlord use?