Guild interface
After joining the guild, you can click the social menu at the bottom of the screen and select the guild option to open the guild interface.
The guild interface is divided into 5 parts: guild information, guild member list, guild skills, guild application list, and guild war.
Guild information
Guild interface--Guild information
(1) Guild level, name, guild badge
Guild level: Yes Guild members donate guild coins to gain guild upgrade experience. When the specified experience value is reached, the guild is automatically upgraded to the next level. The current maximum guild level is level 5.
Guild name: Fill in when creating the guild. Once determined, it cannot be modified.
Guild Badge: You can go to the "Guild Badge Administrator" in Belika's Archon Room and talk to him to set the badge.
Guild emblem setting interface
Emblem upload steps:
a) First place the image of the specified format and size in the specified path of the TERA installation folder .
Image requirements: pixels (64x64), bitmap (24bit), format (.BMP file)
Path: TERA/SlGame/GuildLogoUpload
b) Then switch to the game, reopen the guild badge interface, and click "Upload Badge" to complete the setting.
c) If you change the guild badge, click "Delete Badge" to reset the badge.
(2) Character information, guild details (click the corresponding icon to switch)
Character information: personal class (the individual’s level in the guild), character stage (the individual’s level in the guild) Positions in the guild), character contribution points (can be used to learn and upgrade guild personal skills, purchase guild store goods)
Guild details: number of guild members, guild president, guild title (can be customized in the character after customization) (displayed above the name) and the date the guild was created.
Guild details
(3) Guild skills in use and guild experience
Guild skills in use: The "optional skills" in the guild skills are displayed. ", used after consuming guild skill points, and all guild members can use it automatically.
Guild experience: It is consumed when the guild upgrades and can be obtained by members using guild coins. There is a limit to the number of guild experience points gained every day.
(4) Guild history information, guild warehouse details
Guild history information: The main line shows the guild creation history, guild personnel changes, permission changes and other information.
Guild warehouse details: mainly displays information about changes in items in the guild warehouse.
Guild Member List
Guild Member List
Guild Member List displays all guild members, or you can only "view online guild members".
Right-click on the guild member entry to operate and restrict the member. If you need to change a member's class, click the button behind the member's class to change it.
Viewing the self-introduction will display the signatures, race and other information of all members of the guild.
Guild authority setting:
Guild authority can be set separately for different role levels of the guild (such as vice-presidents, senior managers, etc.).
Guild permission settings
Guild application list
Members with guild admission permissions can "agree to join" or "agree to join" to other players who apply for membership. "Refuse to Join" setting. At the same time, if the guild is not open to public applications, you can also refuse other players to join by clicking "Whether the guild allows public joining or not".
List of other players applying to join the guild
Guild War
When the guild level reaches level 3, you can participate in the guild war gameplay.
Before declaring war, the guild leader needs to use the "Bahar's Declaration of War" prop and then enter the name of the guild to declare war.
"Bahar's Declaration of War" can be purchased from the "Guild War Supplies Merchant" near Belika Magic Academy. If you can't find the merchant's location, you can contact any "Belika" in the main city. After talking to "Guard Soldier", the merchant's location will be displayed on the map.
Guild War Declaration Interface
Declare war on other guilds and attack the players of the other guild in the PK-enabled area. Killing points will be obtained after successful killing.
Guild war interface in the declared war state
The guild war time is 2 hours, and you can participate in 6 guild wars every day.
The guild leader can use the "Kaia's Arbitration" prop (purchased from the guild war supplies merchant) to surrender in the guild war.