What grief did someone send me with tea signed by the judges?
An oversight. Someone sent you tea with the signature of the judges. It may be negligence, greed for petty gain and unwillingness to buy new tea. Tea, plant name: camellia, shrub or small tree, hairless shoots. Leaves leathery, oblong or oval, blunt or sharp at the top, wedge-shaped at the base, shiny at the top, glabrous or initially pilose below, serrated at the edge, and glabrous at the petiole. Flowers are white, and sometimes the stalks are slightly longer; Sepals broadly ovate to rounded, glabrous, persistent; Petals broadly ovate, slightly articulated at base, glabrous on back, sometimes pubescent; Ovary densely covered with white hairs; Style glabrous. Capsule 3 is spherical or 1-2, with a height of1.1-0/.5cm, and each ball has 1-2 seeds. The flowering period is from June 10 to February of the following year.