Ziqi is a Fanta Mustang version 65, which should be 450. The price is 6500-7000, which is very small for women. But many punk bands used this song when they debuted. It was sold very cheaply at that time. As these young people become superstars, the price of this piano goes up. Only the official model is GIBSON LP STD, but it is said to be lightweight in the introduction. Maybe it's a slimming hole. The price is more than twice that of catalpa mustang.
It doesn't matter whether the timbre is good or not. Fanta is a pickup truck with a red Yang Qin body. The thin fuselage chord length is 25.5 inches. Gibson mahogany thick body chord length of 24.75 inches. Double coil pickup style is completely different. In other words, the LP STD of mahogany weighs more than ten kilograms.