1. At that time, Wang Yibo wrote on the writing board: "After losing his horse, he knew that he was not a blessing." The upper part of the word "sai" was a continuous pen, so it became a typo . Netizens showed no mercy to Wang Yibo's small mistakes. He bluntly said that he was not qualified to be an idol at all.
2. Wang Yibo has now become one of the most influential male stars because he is the male protagonist of "Chen Qing". Having a top-level flow means that every word and action must be noticed. Although Wang Yibo was extremely cautious on weekdays, he was still caught. Recently, some netizens broke the news. When Wang Yibo participated in a variety show, he wrote a layout. In fact, this is the fourth time Wang Yibo has made a typo. The first time was a personal letter he wrote to the director of "Chen Qingling". In the letter, "I am" is written as "is." Netizens directly pointed out and criticized the director's personal letter. Don't tell me how much it costs. Netizens thought the term was so wrong because even primary school students knew how to identify it.
3. Wang Yibo wrote the wrong word for the second time. He wanted to write a software headquarters. At that time, he wanted to write a "Visit Here" who knew how to write the word "right" in the extreme right context, so he wrote a "text" directly. This typo is actually forgivable. After all, there are many types of strokes. Wang Yibo has not considered it for the time being, and it is not unforgivable.
Unfortunately, Wang Yibo wrote the wrong word for the third time, or put it in the word "you". At that time, Wang Yibo participated in a program, and the host asked him to write about the works on the question board he participated in. When he wrote "Journey to the West", he forgot how to write the word "you" and just painted it out. After returning home, he also confessed that he didn't know why he didn't think about it.
This article is a true verification that primary school culture has been ridiculed again and that Wang Yibo has made a typo for the fourth time.