China's law stipulates that "workers should notify the employer in writing 30 days in advance when they terminate the labor contract". The "written form" in this paper is not just a form based on paper. China's civil code clearly stipulates that written form refers to contracts, letters, data messages (including telegrams, telex, faxes, electronic data interchange and e-mails) and other forms that can tangibly express the content. At the same time, electronic data refers to information formed or stored in electronic media by means of e-mail, electronic data exchange, online chat records, blogs, Weibo, SMS, electronic signature and domain name.
Therefore, WeChat belongs to the written form prescribed by law; Wechat resignation and paper resignation report have the same legal effect.
legal ground
Article 135 of the Civil Code A civil juristic act may be in written form, oral form or other forms; Where laws and administrative regulations stipulate or the parties agree to adopt a specific form, it shall adopt a specific form.
Article 469 The parties may conclude a contract in writing, orally or in other forms.
Written form refers to contracts, letters, telegrams, telexes, faxes and other forms that can tangibly express the contents contained.
A data message that can tangibly express its content through electronic data interchange, e-mail, etc. , and can be retrieved at any time, are considered in writing.