The lottery number in the last digit
The last digit of "3" is 61
The last digit of "4" is 1932, and the last digit of "5" is 18663, 332. 98663,8762
The last "6" digits are 116216, 241216, 366216, 491216, 616216, 741216, 866216, 95577, 991216
The last "7" digits are 766. 5769774, 719774, 8269774, 9519774
The last digit of "8" is 37983386, and the last digit of "9" is 969129
Where the mantissa of the subscription number held by investors participating in this online pricing issue is the same as the above number, Each winning number can only subscribe for 1 A shares of Hangzhou Bank (6926). Investors who have won the lottery, please complete the subscription on October 18th. K-line Uncle Li: General securities companies will prompt you after winning the lottery!