Fleming is a poor farmer in Scotland. One day, he saved a child who fell into a deep ditch. The next day, a luxurious carriage greeted Fleming, and an elegant gentleman stepped down from the carriage. Seeing Fleming, the gentleman said, "I am the father of the child you saved yesterday, and I am here to thank you today." Fleming replied, "I can't accept payment for saving your child."
While they were talking, Fleming's son came back from outside. The gentleman asked, "Is he your son?" The farmer proudly replied, "Yes." The gentleman said, "We agreed that I would take your son and give him the best education. If this child is as sincere as you, he will be a person who will make you proud in the future. " Fleming promised to sign the agreement. A few years later, his son graduated from Santa Maria Medical College and invented the antibacterial drug penicillin, which is the world-famous Sir Fleming Alexander.
One year, the son of a gentleman rescued by Fleming from a deep ditch contracted pneumonia. Who brought him back from the brink of death? It's penicillin. Who's that elegant man? /He is old Churchill, a member of the British House of Lords before World War II. Who is this gentleman's son? He is the famous British Prime Minister Churchill during World War II.
Benjamin. Franklin once said that what a man sows, he will reap. If we treat others sincerely, others will treat us sincerely. Fleming gave his son a chance to become a success because of his sincerity. Old Churchill also saved his son's life because of his sincerity, making him a politician who influenced the course of human history in the 20th century.
2. Liu Bei takes care of Mao Lu.
The yellow turban insurrectionary uprising at the end of Han Dynasty caused great chaos in the world. Cao Cao sat in the imperial court, Sun Quan sent troops to Dongwu, and Liu Bei, the imperial clan of the Han Dynasty, listened to Xu Shu (a native of Yuzhou in the Three Kingdoms, who was famous for finding soil) and (a native of Yangzhai in Yuzhou in the Three Kingdoms, who was also a famous counselor) and said that Zhuge Liang was very knowledgeable and talented, so he and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei took gifts to Wolong (now Xiangyang County, Hubei Province) to invite him. It happened that Zhuge Liang was out that day, so Liu Bei had to turn back in disappointment.
Soon, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei braved the snowstorm and invited them for the second time. Unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang went out for a walk again. Zhang Fei doesn't want to come again. Seeing that Zhuge Liang was not at home, he urged him to go back. Liu Bei had to leave a letter expressing his admiration for Zhuge Liang and asking him to come out of the mountain to help him save the country's crisis.
After a while, Liu Bei was a vegetarian for three days and was ready to invite Zhuge Liang again. Guan Yu said that Zhuge Liang may have a hollow reputation, but he may not have real talent and learning, so he doesn't have to go. Zhang Fei, on the other hand, advocated calling alone and tying the ground with a rope when he didn't come. Liu Bei scolded Zhang Fei and went to visit Zhuge Liang with them for the third time. At this time, Zhuge Liang was sleeping. Liu Bei dare not disturb him. He stood until Zhuge Liang woke up and sat down to talk to each other.
Zhuge Liang saw that Liu Bei was interested in doing things for the country and sincerely asked him for help, so he came out to help Liu Bei establish the Han Shu Dynasty.
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms called Liu Bei's three personal invitations to Zhuge Liang "three visits to the cottage".
This idiom comes from this, which means to visit talents and sincerely invite others.