Previous code:
public static int checkAppSignature(Context Context){
string SIGNATURE = " 478 yykkaqf+kst 8y 4 atkvhkyibo = "; //The signature written somewhere in the program needs to be repaired.
Try {
package info package info = context . getpackagemanager()。 get package info(context . get package name(),PackageManager。 Get _ signature);
signature[]signatures = package info . signatures;
signature sign = signatures[0];
message digest MD = message digest . getinstance(" SHA ");
MD . update(sign . tobytearray());
Log.e("proyx ",bytesToHexString(MD . digest()));
The final string currentsignature = Base64.encodettostring (md.digest (), base64. Default);
Log.e("proyx ","contains this string as the value of SIGNATURE: "+currentsignature);
if(signature . equals(current signature)){
Returns 0;
Catch (exception e) {
//Suppose there is a problem in checking the signature. But we let the caller decide what to do.
e . printstacktrace();