The protocol and cryptography rules used by Bitcoin are still valid many years after its inception. This is a good sign and shows that the concept is very well designed. However, during the execution of various software, security vulnerabilities were also discovered and corrected. Like other forms of software, the security of Bitcoin software depends on how quickly problems are discovered and corrected. The more similar problems are discovered, the more Bitcoin matures.
There are often misunderstandings about theft and security breaches that occur across different trading platforms and businesses. While these are unfortunate incidents, they do not mean that Bitcoin has been hacked or that there is a flaw within Bitcoin, any more than a bank robbery would compromise the currency itself. But it does require a good set of strategies and intuitive security solutions to enable users to better protect their funds and reduce the general risk of theft and loss. Such security features have rapidly evolved over the past few years, such as wallet encryption, offline wallets, and multi-signature transactions.
Bitcoins such as Mentougou and stamps have all been attacked by hackers. Basically, all well-known Bitcoin companies have been attacked by hackers.