Head: The Judgment head is ugly, and the Gundam head is even more embarrassing, but can you imagine how the Rogue’s T8 head was designed?
1. Damage projection goggles, The 2nd generation engineering head has the property of not being wasted at all. 26 hits, high strength, critical hit level, everything. In this version, it is worthy of being the first choice for the head.
2. The crown of Anasteria, Kil'jaeden's Head, with the increase in armor-piercing income, its high armor-piercing attribute no longer seems so useless. At the same time, its 61 power is also ranked second among current equipment. (Only 1 less strength than the Engineering Head)
3. Alleria's Helmet/Illidari Shattered Helmet. The AP difference between these two heads under team buff is only 5 points. One has higher armor penetration and the other has extremely high hit rate, so they are arranged side by side. It is worth mentioning that the Illidari Shattered Helmet is an artifact that gained a lot of hits during the process of BT equipment entering SW equipment.
4. Sargeras' Cursed Vision/Savage Gladiator's Scaled Helmet: High explosive, with a certain hit rate.
5. Lightbringer War Helmet, with a super high strength of 61, but a large amount of endurance and intelligence attributes occupy the item level, making the equipment less critical and lacking in hit attributes. Not recommended as a pursuit equipment.
Necklace: Pendant? Necklace? Collar? Chain? Which one is thicker and which one is thinner? Choose the right one to wear~
1. Endless Nightmare Collar/Guardian’s Victory Pendant /Sin'dorei Victory Pendant. The endless nightmare collar dropped by BT2 is used to make up for the hit gap, which seems to be very necessary now. The item level of 141 is completely distributed among the three attributes of AP, hit, and critical hit, which is very perfect.
The Guardian Necklace and the Sin'dorei Victory Pendant can obtain the currently highest AP and critical hit benefits when a 10 strength gem is inserted.
2. Hardened Krypton Gold Necklace: High AP, 1 yellow hole, and also has armor-breaking and rapid attributes that were both buffed in this patch. The one fly in the ointment is the lack of critical hits.
3. Crisis Pendant, the best item dropped by mobs in the Viper Temple. The critical strike is not very high, but it has AP that cannot be surpassed by any current necklace under the team BUFF.
4. Pendant of the Power of the Broken Setting Sun (Worship of Aldo): It lacks a critical hit, but has a built-in CD of 45 seconds, triggering an increase of 200 AP, and special effects that last for 10 seconds, greatly improving its use value. This necklace can be used as a powerful alternative when the aforementioned necklace is not available.
5. Ending Chain: Agility, 64AP, haste level. Now it seems that its attributes are not as attractive as they were in the 2.43 era.
6. Serrated Blade Collar, what? You also want AP + a little bit of armor-piercing level? Okay, that’s fine~
Shoulders: There are so many shoulders~ Take your time and choose~T2 The shoulders are very beautiful, do you want one?
1. Devil's Fang Shoulder Pads, the equipment obtained in exchange for the Furious Shoulder Pads + 1 Sun Dust dropped by SW Twins. Strictly speaking, it is a wild German equipment. But it surpasses the plate armor shoulder in T6.5 in all aspects, and undisputedly takes the throne of the first shoulder.
2. Violent shoulder armor, T6 dropped by SW twins. 5-plate series shoulder, typical power + critical strike level + rapidity + double hole equipment.
3. Blood-stained shoulder armor/Lightbringer shoulder armor. Haishan's blood-stained shoulder armor provides a large number of hits. The disadvantage is that there are no holes. The Lightbringer shoulder armor is currently the most powerful shoulder equipment, but it continues the characteristics of the old T6: insufficient critical hits, and the item level is wasted on resistance and intelligence. Up, no hits.
4. Savage Gladiator's Scaled Shoulders: It is difficult to obtain, and its attributes cannot surpass the T6 shoulders, and its lower strength is its shortcoming.
5. War Dancer shoulder armor, the product of T5 copy, used for transition.
6. Split Demon Shoulder Armor, dropped by Kazzak (equipment binding), it is very difficult to obtain, and it is a non-resistant equipment with excellent attributes.
Cloak: You have to choose something that is both beautiful and practical. In fact, I want Sylvanas’ broken cloak~
1. Cloak of Original Sin/Shadow Moon Destroyer's Cloak: The Cloak of Sin is the ultimate cloak, providing the highest AP and critical hit rate. The Shadowmoon Destroyer Cloak has a very obvious advantage in the current Punishment PVE where you have to worry about hits. At the same time, its 72 AP corresponding to the item level of 141 is also very suitable.
2. Dark Cloak/Sharpscale Combat Cloak. The Dark Cloak is a product made from the leatherworking patterns worshiped in Karazhan. The Sharpscale Combat Cloak is dropped from the Serpent Temple. There is basically no difference in the attributes between the two under the team BUFF. After adding 10 power gems, the Dark Cloak can provide up to 83.5 attack power like the Sharpscale Combat Cloak. The downside is the lack of hits.
3. Gladiator’s determination, purchased with honor. Cloaks are not recommended for PVE because of the low AP and excessive waste of attributes.
4. Dolly’s Embrace/Evil Cloak, forget them!
Breastplate: The reason why the breastplate part can provide more attributes is that in addition to its own attributes, it also Depends on its own 3 mounting holes. Let’s take a look at the chest armor options.
1. Hardened Krypton Gold Battle Armor/Reckless Fury Battle Armor. Hardened Krypton Gold Battle Armor is an equipment made by binding blueprints of SW’s forging equipment. The only thing that these two chest armors have in common is that they have Super high power, the difference is that the former has the additional attribute of rapidity, while the latter has armor piercing. Their hole colors are also different.
The three red holes in Hard Krypton Clothes are very suitable for placing three 10 power gems to maximize the AP it can bring, while the Reckless Fury armor is red, yellow and comes with 4 power which is excellent. reward, so when the hit is lacking, it has the advantage of satisfying the hit without sacrificing the hole setting attribute.
2. Lightbringer chest protector, T6 clothes, this is the more recommended equipment in the old T6. It has high power, good past hits (21 points), and decent critical hits. Although its socket-mounted rewards are not satisfactory, it can be considered a good piece of equipment.
3. Savage Gladiator's scale armor chest protector, S4 clothes, its power is slightly less than T6, its critical hit is higher than T6, and its overall evaluation is slightly lower than T6 clothes.
4. Fortress of Kings, level 3 forged product. The power is not very high, but the critical hit is its highlight. Compared with the above equipment, some people even think that its 30MIN once special effect is not very practical.
5. Heartbreaker Breastplate, the lack of holes makes this equipment much weaker than other equipment in terms of power, thus becoming a transitional equipment.
6. Breastplate of Resentment, exchanged for 100 Justice Badges. Too much haste level wastes too many item stats, low AP and a severe lack of critical hits.
1. Lightbringer wristband, in the wrist part, the new T6 scores very high. Both its power and critical strike are impeccable, and it also comes with 1 mounting hole and accuracy.
2. Violent Shackles, dropped by Leiji Donghan, the old one from Haishan. Pure power crit + socketed equipment. It can be described as simple violence. The disadvantage is that there are no hits.
3. Eradicate Bracers, one of the treasures of the Serpent Temple, its effect exceeds the item level. Its hits are still a big attraction in the age of excess.
4. The Dota Combat Bracers/Guardian's Plate Bracers are also simple and violent equipment, and they are very difficult to obtain.
5. Black Temple Forging/Leatherworking Wrist: Refugee outfit, no explanation, no suggestion, no recommendation.
Gloves: A good glove is a glove that fits well. So does it keep warm or protect?
1. Frontier Gloves, dropped by Kil'jaeden, item level 164, currently has the highest power (AP) among all gloves. A good critical hit level, and the armor-piercing attribute has also been buffed. It can be regarded as a goal to pursue.
2. Hardened Krypton Gold Fist Armor/Eternal Darkness Gloves: Hardened Krypton Gold Fist Armor was put in a higher position again in 3.13. Because of the importance of hits, we have to pay attention to this. In the past, it seemed that "hit and haste were a waste of item level" equipment.
However, at the same time, the Gloves of Eternal Darkness, as the old-fashioned damage control gloves of punishment knights, still maintain their status. If you feel that the hit is enough, then it is still recommended to use the Gloves of Eternal Darkness.
3. The Barbarian Gladiator's scaled gauntlets, because the new talent "Holy of Combat" buffs the damage of Crusader Strike by 15%, so the damage proportion of Crusader Strike has been changed in version 3.13. There has been a big improvement. The highlight of the S4 hand is that it has the special effect of increasing Crusader Strike damage by 5% even if its other attributes are passable. Since S4's special effects do not count for item level, this glove would be a good choice.
4. Silent Justice, Shadow of Akama drops from the Dark Temple. It has dual holes + high AP, hits, and has an armor-breaking effect. It is an entry-level equipment.
5. Lightbringer gloves, one of the worst in old T6. The critical hit is surprisingly low, not to mention the lack of hits. Even with a hole of 10 STR, it is only 61 strength. How does it compare with other equipment?
Belt: Tighten the belt, it is said that you can hit a higher DPS~
1. Lightbringer Waist Guard, high strength, low resistance to high critical hits, with precision and speed, 1 red hole is very good, currently the NO for the Retribution Knight. 1 belt.
2. Red battle belt, forged product. It has hits and double holes, is easy to get, and has good attributes. This is definitely a great value.
3. Belt of Hundred Deaths, a leather armor equipment dropped by the viper Vashki. Reason for selection: As accurate as the T6 belt, with double holes.
4. The Guardian's plate armor belt, regardless of toughness and hit points, the AP and critical hit of this equipment are slightly higher than the red combat belt.
5. Agado’s belt and Haishan drop leather armor equipment, and their attributes are pretty good.
6. Boiling Fury Waistguard, exchanged for 75 Justice Badges.
It has strength and a lot of haste, but lacks all the necessary things. What do I want with such a stupid piece of equipment?
Legs: Length is not the key, the key is fit. . . T2 and T8 are examples, hey, don’t stumble^ ^
1. Eternal Night Leggings/Magic Wrath Leggings. The former is the leather armor dropped by Femis, and the latter is the plate armor dropped by Brutalus. The Eternal Night Leggings are a very valuable piece of equipment for the Retribution Knight. People often ask me, "What should I do if I don't have enough hits?" and my direct answer is often "leather pants."
In addition to making up for a large number of hits, these pants also have excellent hole color, and the armor-piercing effect is the icing on the cake. Let’s talk about the Demon Wrath Legs. These pants are traditional pants for Punishment Knights and DPS warriors. They have high power and explosive power. The rewards for inserting holes are also good, and the blue holes can be used to meet the requirements of colorful gems on the head, which is also rare. good pants.
2. Endless Fury Leg Armor. The super high power, coupled with hits and high explosions, make up for the lack of holes. Before entering SW, this equipment was the best pants for punishment.
3. Star Chaser Leggings/Bow Leggings, these are two pieces of mail equipment that are easy to obtain and have become widespread.
4. Lightbringer Leg Armor, although the special effects of MP5 are a bit stupid, but because of the higher strength + 1 red hole, it is still reasonable.
5. Savage Gladiator's scale armor leggings/holy retribution leggings, equipment dropped by S4 and Dark Temple Blood Boil, the overall attributes are slightly worse than T6.
5. Pursuit Leggings: A value-for-money brand of mail armor. After calculation and inlaying gems, its performance surpasses that of the new brand of plate armor.
Feet: Barefoot? How does this work? Even if you have full points of Justice Escape, you still need a pair of Adiwang. . . . . .
1. Lightbringer boots, everything is OK except for the hit. It is currently irreplaceable equipment.
2. Legion Terror Boots, dropped from Dark Temple EOS, double yellow holes + hit, a very good pair of shoes with level 141, which can make up for the shortcomings of hit and critical hits at the same time. Except for the new T6, there is really no other shoe that can compare with it.
3. Guardian's Plate Greaves/Boots of the Shadow Lord/Soft Tracking Boots. They are dropped by PVP equipment/Mother Shahras of Dark Temple/Talon Bloodfiend respectively. They are all excellent equipment at the same level.
4. Skull Crushing Boots/Iron Boots of Haste, dropped by Zul'Aman and Karazhan, can be inlaid with gems, so although these two items are of lower level, they are enough to be used as entry-level equipment. .
Ring: Look, that shining light! Where does it come from?
1. Fierce attack ring, highest power (AP), high critical hit, who wants to give up? It?
2. Ring of Catastrophe/Ring of Stormrage Emblem. I used Ring of Catastrophe in 2.4 and 3.0, but now I have decided to use Egg Ring. Because I feel like the lack of hits is terrible. No matter what, the critical strike of the disaster, the hit of the egg ring, always seems to be a shining pearl in the night sky.
3. The Ring of the Eternal Warrior/The Ring of Ancient Conquest. The former has powerful special effects, while the latter has very good measurements.
4. Hardened krypton gold ring, AP is not enough, and the speed is a bit useless, it is no longer the first choice for punishment.
5. Angelista’s Touch/Primal Fury Emblem has lost its former halo. The reason for selection is that it is relatively easy to obtain and has high cost performance.
6. Ring of Catastrophe: Who remembers this scumbag?
1. Call of the Berserker/Gray Naaru Flake: Berserk is still the first-choice accessory because the high AP special effects can fully match the 2MIN's Rage of Revenge. After passing through the BUFF quickly, the stacking of the flakes will be much faster (the built-in CD is still 45 seconds). It is conservatively estimated that the 440AP increase will be at least 9 seconds after triggering, completely surpassing other accessories.
2. Shame fragments. 3. 13 is not the time for the fragments of shame to step down from the altar. Or you can use other accessories to cooperate and rely on a good RP to achieve less dodge, but the new 3T6 + Shame can achieve no dodge, which is a very conservative combination and approach. Although there may be a bottleneck in improving DPS, but Stable DPS is its advantage. At the same time, don’t forget the triggering effect of Shame Fragments: increase 230 AP for 20 seconds. The test result from 2.43 to 3.05 is that this special effect covers at least 35% of a battle.
3. The Betrayer’s Madness/Tsunami Amulet. The Betrayer’s Madness provides hits and AP, and its special effects can be maintained throughout the trial. It is already a good accessory in the current version. The Tsunami Amulet It provides critical hits and hits. The disadvantage is that the built-in CD of special effect triggers is long and the duration is short, so it is slightly insufficient in terms of AP.
4. Statue-Shadowsong Cheetah, a reduced version of Call of the Berserker, but its flexibility is very good because of its incredible CD of 1.5 MIN.
Dragon Spine Medal, the advantage of Dragon Spine Medal is high trigger (built-in 25 seconds CD), and the rapid increase after triggering is very huge - currently it has reached 422 for knights.
5’s rapid special effects are incredible.
However, due to the uncontrollable triggering and low AP, this accessory cannot be ranked too high. (Actually, I’m still looking forward to the situation when the sword is flying like flying after triggering the special effect and constantly bringing out the Blood Seal)
5. Bloodthirsty Brooch/Dark Moon Card-Expedition.
6. The battle master’s decision.
7. The decomposer’s hourglass.
Weapons: Weapons are the soul of the Retribution Knight equipment. Because having a good weapon is often a way to greatly increase DPS. To measure a weapon, we need to look at the problem from two perspectives: DPS and DPH.
First analyze its DPS, and then its DPH. If there is not a huge gap in DPH, the actual output effect of weapons with high DPS is better. This is also the reason why someone euphemistically said to those who said "S4 has higher DPS than Austrian Sword" that "the Pacifier speed 4.0 must have high DPS".
1. O'Brien, the Soul-Splitting Sword, the ultimate weapon dropped by Kil'jaeden, the dream pursued by countless PALs. The upper limit of the weapon is as high as 607, with its own haste and critical strike level. The sword has an exaggerated three red holes, which is unique from other weapons (ah, the Abyss Giant Blade and the Revenge Army Node Battle Ax). After filling 3 10 power gems + brutal enchantment, a sword can provide 275 points of attack power after buff. To say it is powerful is no exaggeration.
2. Savage Gladiator's Great Sword/Savage Gladiator's Bone Crushing Hammer, S4 weapon. High explosive, slightly armor-piercing, and hits. However, it is far ahead of the Arcane Sword in terms of AP~
The two weapons have the same attributes and are suitable for use by humans and dwarves with corresponding weapon specializations.
3. Demonic Spine Gun, a long-handled weapon of SW mobs, with high speed and high explosiveness (agility), but its DPH is not as good as the above two S4 equipment. 120AP is not very high, but there is simply one yellow hole to make up for it. This is indeed a good weapon.
4. Cursed Torch/Catastrophic Blade. The Cursed Torch used to be a sharp weapon in PVP with its speed of 3.8, and until now, its performance in PVE has not been forgotten. Its attributes are perfect: 51 strength, 50 haste, and a high critical strike. The Cataclysmic Blade has exaggerated power and armor-breaking effect, but its shortcoming is the lack of critical hits
5. Phoenix Double Blade/Omen, dropped by the Prince of Storm Fortress, is also a lv141 weapon, but taken together , the performance is slightly worse than Cursed Torch. Harbinger is a classic brand weapon with good critical strike and haste. The disadvantage is that its AP is too low compared to other weapons.
6. Kinross, the Revelator of Doom/Lion-Hearted Slayer/Node Battle Ax of the Revenge Army.
Holy Deed: Goblins teach us that "reading can be used as a hammer", so the Holy Deed can be used to beat people, throw it to the ground, and fold airplanes (heavy fog
1. The Sacred Covenant of Revenge is a traditional explosive Sacred Covenant after the trial. Who knows who uses it?
2. Don’t underestimate the damage of the Crusader Strike anymore, 3.13 of the Holy Covenant of Righteous Energy. The Holy Talent of Combat has greatly changed the damage of CS.