This is the last time to lend you money. Please manage your cash flow. Don't spend all your money at the critical moment. Not every time someone lends you money.
What you borrowed is not money. The money you borrowed is not your principal, but debt of gratitude, interest and usury.
4. Where can I get money? I have no money. Last month's salary has been paid off, and this month's salary has been paid off by half, and part of it is going to be used for car maintenance.
The collapse of adults begins with borrowing money, so we'd better not have money exchanges.
6. Whoever dares to borrow money from me, I dare not reply to your message on WeChat, even blackmailing you, deleting you, not answering your phone or returning your message. Yes, I was rude, anyway. Call me names, call me names, whatever, and wait for a lawsuit.