Pinyin u is pronounced as a closed-lip vowel. When pronouncing, the mouth is round, the tongue is located in the center of the mouth, and the lips are round. This sound is very common in Chinese, such as fish, rain and English, which all contain the pinyin U.
When learning Pinyin U, pay attention to the tip of your tongue sticking to the lower gum, and don't stick out your tongue; Pay attention to the shape of your lips when you pronounce them. Your lips should be round and don't open your mouth. Pay attention to the length of the sound when pronouncing, neither too short nor too long; Pay attention to the change of tone when pronouncing, and determine the tone according to the meaning and context.
Pinyin u is widely used in Chinese. It can be used to express different vowels and tones. For example, u can represent the vowel u, such as fish (y ú); It can also represent the vowel u, such as Yu (y avatar). In addition, the pinyin u can also represent different tones, such as u 1 as the first sound, such as fish (yú); U2 stands for the second sound, such as rain (y avatar); U3 stands for the third sound, such as Yu (y incarnation).
The composition of pinyin:
Pinyin is the phonetic symbol of Chinese in China, and it is the pronunciation basis of Chinese characters. Pinyin consists of initials and finals. Initial is the beginning of pinyin, indicating the pronunciation of words. Initial consonants are divided into ten groups: bpmf, dtnl, gkh, jqx, zhchsh, zcs, I, er, with ***2 1.
Each consonant has a specific pronunciation, such as B stands for Boeing, P stands for slope, M stands for touch, F stands for Buddha, D stands for sound, T stands for special sound, N stands for nerd sound, L stands for musical sound, G stands for brother sound, K stands for scientific sound, H stands for drinking sound, J stands for pitch, Q stands for overbearing sound, X stands for hi sound, zh stands for bosom friend, ch stands for eating sound and sh stands for listening sound.
Vowel is the main part of pinyin, indicating the rhythm of words. Vowels are divided into single vowels, complex vowels and nasal vowels. There are six monosyllables A, O, E, I, U and V, nine disyllables ai, ei, ui, ao, ou, iu, ie and ve, and five nasal vowels an, en, in, un and vn. Each vowel has a specific pronunciation and combination.