Relationships are wonderful and delicate, and we never know when we will fall in love with someone. It may be because of the other person's smile, one look, a person's love, or it may be because of the love that we have been together for a long time.
Once people are emotional, they will behave in various ways and want to express their inner feelings. Therefore, if a man has true feelings for a woman, he will have these "real" expressions!
1. Will give you infinite gentleness and tolerance
When a man reaches middle age, once he really likes a woman, he will become more tolerant and he is willing to give her more respect and understanding.
After people reach middle age, they have experienced more things and have richer life experiences, so they see problems more comprehensively, have a longer-term perspective, and will not be obsessed with temporary gains and losses.
Even if you make mistakes occasionally, he will give you full tolerance and tolerance. He will not quarrel with you, let alone stay so far away from you.
When a middle-aged man is willing to treat you gently and can put himself in your shoes, it may mean that he is attracted to you.
2. He will be particularly willing to spend money on a woman
Because he likes and cares about you, he will be very generous to you, and he will give you more help and financial support.
When a man reaches middle age, he often has a successful career and a certain financial foundation, so when you live in poverty and are in urgent need of money, he will take the initiative to help you.
If a middle-aged man is very rich but is never willing to spend a penny for you, then it is obvious that he does not really like you.
It is a very important criterion to judge whether a middle-aged man has feelings for a woman and whether he can help her financially or materially.
3. He will become stingy and easily jealous
Maybe he will be very angry in front of outsiders most of the time, and will not care too much about anything, and can always get by with it. . But in front of the one he loves, he will become stingy about certain things, be small-minded, and get jealous easily.
When he sees you in contact with the opposite sex, he will be unhappy, behave unnaturally, tend to care about trivial things, and secretly be angry with you.
In fact, when a man behaves like this, it is the most authentic expression of his love for you. It is only because he cares that he cares about these details and is afraid of losing. So, when a man does this, he really likes you.