General manager (general manager)
Vice president (vice president)
First Vice President of FVP (First Vice President)
Assistant vice president of AVP (assistant vice president)
CEO (chief executive officer) is similar to general manager and president, and is the legal representative of an enterprise.
Chief Operating Officer The chief operating officer (COO) is similar to the managing director.
CFO (Chief Financial Officer) is the chief financial officer, similar to the general financial manager.
CIO (Chief Information Officer) is the chief information officer responsible for the collection and release of enterprise information.
CTO (Chief Technology Officer) is similar to Chief Engineer.
Human Resources Director
Director of Operations (Director of Operations)
Marketing director marketing director
operation manager
PM (Product Manager) Product Manager (Production Manager) Production Manager
TM (Team Manager) PM (Project Manager) Project Manager
Project leader (project leader)
Tl (Team Leader) se (System Engineer) System Engineer BSE( [...]