the second son of the emperor: Fu Quan, the prince of Yuxian, and his mother: Dong Eshi, the princess of Ningxian
The third son of the emperor: Emperor Xuanye, the mother: Tong Jiashi, the empress of Xiaokangzhang
The fourth son of the emperor: Rong Qinwang (died young), and the mother: Dong Eshi, the empress of Xiaoxian Duanjing
. The mother is Tang's
Seven sons of the Emperor: Long Xi, the Prince of Pure Jing; the mother is Niu's
Eight sons of the Emperor: Yong Gan (died); the mother is big princess (died); the mother is Chen's
The second princess: He Shuo Gong Yan princess royal, who married Guajardine at the age of 15. The mother is Wusu's fifth princess (died), the mother is Wang's sixth princess (died), and the mother is Nala's first adopted daughter, Princess Heshuo and Heshun. At the age of 13, she married Shang Zhilong, the second daughter of Chengze Prince Shuosai, and her mother is Nala's second adopted daughter, Princess Heshuo Roujia.