Theoretically, a club or brand needs to pay a certain fee to the players in order to use their portrait rights in commercial activities.
Legally speaking, portrait right is a kind of personal interest of citizens based on spiritual activities. Portraits have the following legal characteristics. Portrait is the representation of citizens' external image. It is an objective and comprehensive expression of citizen's form and behavior. From the form of expression, portraits include pictures, photographs, videos, videos, sculptures and so on. From the position of performance, portraits should be dominated by faces. Portraits should reflect the true features of citizens. The artistic images created by people, such as Ji Gong and Sun Kong, are not portraits. Portrait right is a kind of thing in civil law. Because the portrait must be separated from the portrait person, fixed on a certain material carrier, and can be dominated by manpower, it has certain value, so the portrait is something in civil law. For example, a photo is a thing. Portrait is the embodiment of citizens' personality interests. In addition to the protection of portraits, the law also gives special protection to portraits, because portraits are the embodiment of citizens' personal interests.