As a will, there should be a strict form and some necessary elements. Beijing nanny's request to inherit the old man's estate was rejected because she lacked the necessary conditions for making a will. Cases in which nannies compete for their owners' property are often seen in the news. Personally, it is the duty of the nanny to do her best for the elderly. The elderly have given them their due wages, so don't covet other people's property!
A nanny in Beijing claimed her inheritance with an old man's diary.
An old man in his nineties in Beijing has never been married and has no children. The nanny took care of her for a long time. The old man has always had the habit of keeping a diary. Once in his diary, he wrote that his property would be given to the nanny.
After the old man died, the nanny took the old man's diary to file a lawsuit, demanding to inherit what the old man said in the diary and give her the money, with interest of nearly two million.
The nanny's claim for inheritance was rejected.
The nanny took more than a dozen relatives of the old man to court and demanded that the old man's property be divided. However, the court held that the diaries and notes provided by the nanny did belong to the elderly. However, on the one hand, the diary does not indicate the specific time, such as year, month and day, on the other hand, the diary of the old man does not indicate the result of the disposal of the estate.
In all cases, this diary cannot be called a will, so the nanny's request to inherit the old man's estate was rejected. According to the law, 10 relatives of the old man inherited her property.
Why can't a diary be a will?
In fact, it is not that a diary cannot be used as a will, but because as a will, there must be corresponding elements, which are lacking in the diary of the old man provided by the nanny. Therefore, although the old man may really want to give her some property, he lost the case because he did not meet the requirements of the will.