Australian dollar coins do not have a fly image, there is a kangaroo symbol on the Australian dollar coin. Here is an introduction to the front and back of the Australian dollar banknote
◎On the front: Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, with a eucalyptus tree on the left
◎On the back: Australian Parliament Hill, in the background It is the planning and design drawing of Parliament Hill
◎ Front: Australian poet Banjo Patterson. The background is a group of galloping wild horses and heroic knights
◎Back: Australian poet Dame Mary Gilmore. The background is a scene from Dame Gilmore's work - a convoy of carriages transporting wool.
◎ Front: Australian female entrepreneur Lai Bei. The sailing ship in the background is the "Mercury" operated by Lebe. The building in the background is a warehouse owned by Laibei on George Street in Sydney. The pattern in the transparent window is a compass pattern closely related to navigation. Between the denomination number "20" and the transparent window is Laibei's signature.
◎Back: Reverend Flynn, founder of Australia’s “Royal Flying Doctor Service”. The aircraft in the background is the Victoria emergency aircraft used for in-flight medical emergencies. Underneath the plane is a foot-operated generator used in outback rural first aid stations - to power the transmitter. A numbered medical diagram of the human body - used in rural first-aid stations to report patient injuries to flying doctors using a transmitter. On the right is the camel team used by Flying Doctors during their medical tours. Above the plane is Flynn's handwritten signature.
◎ Front: Australian Aboriginal writer and inventor David Unaipon. Above right is the patent he obtained for the invention of a sheep-shearing tool. On the lower right is the handwriting of his work "Legends and Lore of the Aboriginal Australians". On the left is an Aboriginal couple and a church in Unaipon's hometown
◎Back: Australia's first female parliamentarian Edith Cohen. On the left is the City Council Building in Perth, the capital of Western Australia. On the right is Cohen giving a speech to fight for the rights of women and children. Behind her is a guardian and her four adopted children.
◎ Front: Australian soprano Melba, with the Queen's Theater in Sydney in the background, and Melba's signature on the left. The setting is Melba's tour of Australia in 1902.
◎Back: Australia’s outstanding military general Sir Monash. On the right is the artillery and cavalry in the Hindenburg Line that attacked the Germans in World War I.