Examination fees for special outpatient diseases can be reimbursed, and urban and rural medical insurance funds will compensate insured persons for outpatient medical expenses for special diseases incurred in designated medical institutions in accordance with regulations:?
1 . The outpatient medical expenses for special diseases incurred by insured persons in designated medical institutions will be compensated according to the urban and rural medical insurance hospitalization ratio.
2. The minimum reimbursement line for outpatient special diseases is 300 yuan. Special outpatient diseases must be identified in accordance with procedures. Patients who have not been qualified for outpatient special disease reimbursement will not be reimbursed for medical expenses.
Insured persons suffering from special outpatient diseases can independently choose a designated medical institution for treatment, and the expenses incurred for treatment in non-designated medical institutions will not be reimbursed. For patients suffering from two or more outpatient special diseases, the deductible lines will not be set repeatedly, and the cap lines will be calculated together. ?
3. The urban and rural medical insurance fund’s annual maximum payment limit (including the deductible and personal out-of-pocket proportion) for medical expenses within the scope of the policy for hospitalization and outpatient treatment of special diseases for insured persons is 60,000 Yuan. ?
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