The simple method of local packaging is as follows:
Download and install the Java environment.
Open ADT and create a new Android application.
Enter a name or something, and then you can go all the way.
You can choose the project location, and my location is the default location.
You can select the icon here.
Choose the first one.
At this time, an Android project was established. Run at this time, you will see the default appearance, ignore it.
Copy the jar file in the android directory under the PhoneGap directory to the libs directory of the project.
Copy the xml directory to the res directory of the project.
Under the assetc directory, create a www directory and put the html content below. In order to be lazy, I copied the contents of the phonegap example.
Modify Java code:
[java] View Plain Text
Package com.myexample.helloworld;
Import android.os.bundle;
Import org.apache.cordova. *;
Common class main activity extension DroidGap
@ Overlay
Public void once created (bundle saved instant state)
super . oncreate(savedInstanceState);
//by & ltcontent src="index.html" />. In config.xml
super . loadurl(config . getstarturl());
//super . loadurl(" file:///Android _ asset/www/index . html ")
* The following is the code generated by adt, please comment it out.
Import android.os.bundle;
Public class MainActivity extends Activity {
@ Overlay
Protected void oncreate (bundle saved instancestate) (
super . oncreate(savedInstanceState);
setContentView(r . layout . activity _ main);
@ Overlay
Public boolean once creation menu (
//Expand the menu; If the action bar exists, this will add items to the action bar.
getMenuInflater()。 inflate(,menu);
Return true
Modify AndroidManifest.xml in the project root directory and config.xml in the res/xml directory.