Uniform requirements for the format of master's and doctoral thesis of Central South University
Thesis is the reflection of the results of graduate students' scientific research work, which focuses on the The new inventions, new theories, new methods or new insights obtained by the author during the research work are the main basis for applying for master's or doctoral degrees. In order to ensure the quality of dissertations and standardize the format of dissertations, our school has made unified requirements for the format, printing and binding of graduate master's and doctoral dissertations.
1. Thesis content requirements and format
Graduate degree thesis should be written in Chinese (simplified Chinese characters). The number of words for master's thesis is generally not less than 20,000, and the number of words for doctoral thesis is generally not less than 20,000. At 50,000. The content of the paper should be clear-cut, with reliable data, concise writing, thorough explanations, rigorous reasoning, and correct arguments. Thesis content should generally consist of eleven main parts, in order: 1. Cover, title page, 2. Statement of originality and authorization letter for thesis use, 3. Chinese abstract, 4. English abstract, 5. Table of contents, 6. Symbols Description (if necessary), 7. Thesis text, 8. References, 9. Appendix, 10. Acknowledgments, 11. Catalog of main research results during the degree study. The specific requirements for each part are as follows:
1. Cover and title page
1) Doctoral thesis cover and title page
On the front of the cover, fill in the thesis title, author's name, supervisor's name, subject major, school (department, institute), etc. For the content (see Example 1 for details), the title of the doctoral thesis is printed on the top of the spine and "Central South University" is printed on the bottom.
The title of the thesis should be able to summarize the most important content of the entire thesis, be accurate and specific, and try to be short and strictly controlled within 30 words.
The disciplines and majors are based on the disciplines and majors in the professional catalog approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council in 1997, which are generally second-level disciplines. If it is a second-level discipline independently established within a first-level discipline, the name of the first-level discipline should be indicated first.
The signature of the supervisor shall be the one who approved the enrollment. If there is any change, a formal application must be made and submitted to the Graduate School for approval. Only one supervisor can be named. If there are other supervisors, they must be written in the deputy supervisor. Teacher (limited to one)
See Example 2 for the title page of the doctoral thesis.
2) Master's thesis cover and title page
Master's thesis uses the silver-gray cover printed uniformly by the school
2. Originality statement and thesis use Authorization letter
A separate page should be placed after the title page. For details, see Example 3
3. Chinese abstract
The Chinese abstract should describe the purpose of the work, research methods, results and conclusions. The creative achievements and new insights in the dissertation should be highlighted, and the language should be concise. The Chinese abstract of a master's degree thesis should be approximately 500 words. The Chinese abstract of a doctoral thesis should be approximately 1,000 words.
Print the word "Abstract" in the center (size 3 boldface) with a space between the words. Print the summary content (No. 4 Song font) with a blank line under the word "Abstract" and two blank spaces at the beginning of each paragraph. After the abstract content, print the three words "keywords" on a new line (size 4 boldface), followed by a blank space for the keywords (size 4 Song font). The number of keywords is 3 to 5. Separate each keyword with a comma. There is no punctuation mark after the last keyword.
4. English abstract
The content of the English abstract corresponds to the Chinese abstract. Print "ABSTRACT" in the center (size 3 Times New Roman font), print the English abstract content and keywords on a blank line (size 4 Times New Roman font), and leave four spaces at the beginning of each paragraph of the abstract. Print "KEY WORDS" on a new line after the abstract content, with the keywords in lowercase after two empty characters, separate each keyword with a comma, and there is no punctuation mark after the last keyword.
5. Table of contents
List the main title, first-level and second-level section titles of the paper, and indicate the page numbers one by one. The title should be concise and to the point, highlighting the main content of each part.
The word "Table of Contents" is in the center (size 3 boldface), and the two empty lines below represent chapters, sections, subsections (to the left) and their starting page numbers (to the right). Chapters, sections, and subsections are marked in the following manner: Chapter 1, 1.1, and 1.1.1 are marked in sequence, and chapters, sections, subsections, and page numbers are connected with "...".
6. Symbol description
If a large number of physical quantity symbols, signs, abbreviations, special measurement units, custom nouns and terms, etc. are used in the paper, a collection of notes and descriptions should be compiled to explain the meaning of the symbols used in the paper. The meaning and unit (or dimension) expressed. If the above symbols and abbreviations are not used in large quantities, there is no need to set up a special collection list, but explain them when they appear in the paper.
7. Thesis text
The main body of the thesis is the main body. The writing format can vary depending on the nature of the research topic. It can generally include review, theoretical analysis, calculation methods, experimental equipment and testing methods, experimental results, data analysis and discussion. , research results, conclusions and significance, etc.
Title: The title of each chapter is printed in the center in size 3 boldface; the two empty lines under "Chapter" are printed in "section" in size 4 boldface from the left; the one empty line under "Section" is printed in small letters in small letters Printed in boldface number four from left. Leave two blank spaces after the line break to print the text of the paper. The main text is in Song font size 4. Example:
Chapter 1 ×××× (centered writing)
1. 1 ××××
1.1.1 ×××× p>
Figures, tables, and formulas: Figures, tables, notes, and formulas in the text must be numbered chapter by chapter (or continuously) using Arabic numerals, such as: Figure 2-5, Table 3-2, Formula (5-1) wait. The figure sequence and title should be placed in the center below the figure. If the figure contains several different parts, the figure number should be marked in the upper left corner of the figure, and the content of each part should be listed under the diagram. The terms, symbols, and The units should be consistent with those used in the main text; the table sequence and table names should be placed above the table, and the parameters in the table should be marked with the symbols of the quantities and units; the figure sequence and figure names, table sequence and table names should be in size 5 italics; if the figure If there are notes in the table or table, they should be numbered in English lowercase alphabetical order, and the notes should be written below the figure or table. The number of the formula is written in parentheses at the end of the right line without a dashed line.
There must be a certain line spacing between figures, tables, formulas, etc. and the main text.
8. References
Only list literature that the author has directly read and cited in the text. References should always be listed at the end of the text and not after each chapter. When quoting other people's scientific research results, explanations should be provided at the citation point, and plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
References can be organized in a sequential coding system or in an "author-year of publication" system. It is recommended that references be written in accordance with the requirements of the "Organization Standards for Journals of Natural Sciences of Chinese Universities" and should be coded sequentially, that is, the references should be attached to the end of the article in the order of Chinese citations. Write the author's name in the third digit, and write ", et al." or ", et al." for the rest. The four words "References" are centered in size 3 boldface, and the references are listed in order from the left on a blank line, with the serial number in square brackets, in small size 4 Song font.
The format of several main reference bibliographic tables is:
Serial publications: serial number author. title. title, year, volume number (issue number): start~end Page number
Special (translation) book: serial number author. Book title (, translator). Place of publication: publisher, year of publication. Starting and ending page numbers
Proceedings: serial number author .Title. See (In English): Editor, Editor (Eds in English). Collection name. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Starting and ending page numbers
Dissertation: Serial number Name. Text Title: [XX Dissertation]. Location of the granting unit: Granting unit, year of grant
Patent: Serial number Applicant. Patent name. Country name, patent document type, patent number, publication date
Technical standard: serial number issuing unit. Technical standard code name. Technical standard name. Place of publication: publisher, publication date
Examples are as follows:
[1] Zhou Suiping, Chen Zongji. DR algorithm Research on the update time interval. Journal of System Simulation, 1999, 7(2): 13~18
[2] Zhu Kezhen. Physics. Beijing: Science Press, 1973.56~60
[3] Dupont B. Bone marrow transplantation in severe combined immunodeficiency with an unrelated MLC compatible donor. In: White H J, Smith R, eds. Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology. Houston: International Society for Experimental Hematology, 1974. 44~46
[4] Liu Zhong. Research on the design theory and control strategy of new hydraulic impact machinery: [Doctoral dissertation]. Changsha: Central South University, 2002
[5] Yang Wuzi, Wu Wanrong, Liu Zhong. Pre-throttle two-way hydraulic lock. Chinese patent, ZL97208080, 1998-05-10
[6] State Administration of Technology Supervision of the People's Republic of China. GB3100~3102. National Standards of the People's Republic of China - Quantities and Units. Beijing: China Standards Press, 1994-11-01
9. Appendices
Mainly include the derivation of overly lengthy formulas that are inconvenient to be listed in the main text, auxiliary mathematical tools or tables needed for easy reading; repetitive data charts; calculation procedures and explanations, etc. The appendices are Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc. Charts and formulas in the appendix are numbered separately from the main text.
10. Acknowledgments
I would like to express my gratitude to the units and individuals who provided guidance, various funding and assistance in completing the research work, and provided various favorable conditions for thesis work.
11. Main research results during the degree study
Category lists the research results during the degree study in chronological order, including research projects participated in, awards and patents, monographs, and academic papers applied for (unpublished Only formal offer letters are listed), etc. The research results related to the thesis should be indicated. Please refer to the reference for writing format.
12. Header and page number
The header starts from the main text and ends at the end of the full text. Use Song style 5-point font to write "XX Dissertation" from the left, and the chapter title to the right.
The page numbers are consecutively arranged in Arabic numerals from the beginning of the text to the end of the text, and the leading parts are arranged separately in Roman numerals; the page numbers are located at the bottom of the page and written in the center.
13. Quantities and units
The regulations on quantities and units in GB3100~3102:93 must be strictly implemented (for specific requirements, please refer to "Common Quantities and Units". Metrology Press, 1996);
Unit names can be written using international symbols or Chinese names, but the entire text should be unified and do not mix the two types
14. Other instructions
1) The headers of items 5, 8, 9, and 10 should be centered in size 3 bold font, and the content should be in small 4-size Song font.
2) The main text and headings at all levels must have a fixed line spacing of 20pt (points) and standard word spacing.
3) If international students write their thesis in English, the doctoral thesis should be accompanied by a detailed Chinese abstract of more than 8,000 words, and the master's thesis should be accompanied by a detailed Chinese abstract of more than 3,000 words. All contents on the cover must be in Chinese, and the table of contents should be bilingual in Chinese and English.
2. Printing and binding requirements
1. Dissertation content must be edited in WORD97 or above, and output in A4 format. The printing area is 240mm × 146mm (including headers). Printed on both sides.
2. The doctoral thesis is hardcovered with a maroon hard cover and has gilded characters; the master's thesis is bound into a volume with a cover printed uniformly by the graduate school (at the designated printing location on each campus).
Central South University
April 2, 2003
Sample 1 Doctoral thesis cover format:
Doctoral thesis (small Boldface size 2)
(Dissertation title, boldface size 2)
Author's name: (Song style No. 3)
Discipline major: (Song style No. 3) )
College (Department, Institute): (No. 3 Songti)
Instructor: (No. 3 Songti)
Central South University (No. 3 Songti)< /p>
Year and month (small size 3 Song font)
Sample 2 Doctoral thesis title page:
Classification number VDC Confidentiality level
Doctoral thesis ( 2nd size boldface)
(Dissertation title in Chinese, 2nd size boldface)
(Dissertation title in English, 2nd size Times New Roman)
Author's name: (No. 3 Songti)
Discipline major: (No. 3 Songti)
College (Department, Institute): (No. 3 Songti)
Supervisor: (No. 3 Song Dynasty)
Deputy Supervisor: (No. 3 Song Dynasty)
Thesis Defense Date Chairman of the Defense Committee
Central South University (No. 3 Song Tai) )
Year and month (Small size 3 Song font)
Originality statement
I declare that the thesis submitted is research conducted by me under the guidance of my supervisor. work and research results obtained. To the best of my knowledge, except where specifically noted and acknowledged in the paper, the paper does not contain research results that have been published or written by others, nor does it contain research results that have been used to obtain a degree or certificate from Central South University or other units. Material. The contributions of the comrades who work with me *** to this research have been clearly stated in the paper.
Author's signature: Date: Year, month, day
Dissertation copyright authorization letter
I understand the regulations of Central South University regarding the retention and use of dissertations, namely: The school has the right to retain the thesis and submit the thesis in accordance with the regulations of the relevant departments of the country or Hunan Province, and allows the thesis to be consulted and borrowed; the school can publish all or part of the thesis, and can use copying, reduction or other means to preserve the thesis. .
At the same time, the China Institute of Scientific and Technological Information is authorized to include this dissertation in the "Chinese Dissertation Full-text Database" and provide information services to the public through the Internet.
Author’s signature: Instructor’s signature Date: year, month, day