In addition, digital signature has the following advantages:
The receiver of a digitally signed file can determine whether the organization or individual that sent the file is a real file sending organization or individual.
Digital signature can guarantee that the file will not be changed after it is signed.
A signed file will not be rejected as invalid. The signer of a document cannot deny the ownership of the document on the grounds that the signature was forged later.
Digital signature is different from digital signature. Digital signature helps to prove the identity of users and the authenticity of graphics, while digital signature is only an electronic version of users' signature. Digital signature can be forged and copied, and it has no real security value.
Digital ID uses two keys-public key (anyone can use it to verify digital signature) and private key (only the creator of digital ID knows this key). The private key is used to create a digital signature. To learn more about digital identification, digital signature, and public and private keys, please search these terms on the Internet.
You can attach signatures to files compatible with AutoCAD 2000 and later file formats, including files generated by electronic transfer function. To attach signatures to multiple files at once, or to files compatible with AutoCAD 2000 or later graphics file formats, see the Attach Digital Signature dialog box in the Command Reference.
Note that the digital signature may or may not be valid after it is attached to the drawing file. The digital signature cannot be deleted from the drawing file. If an error occurs when attaching a digital signature to a drawing file, save the drawing in DXF format, open the DXF file, and then save it in DWG format.
You can open the digital signature dialog box from Start-Programs -CAD.
Steps of digital signature
Select the file to which you want to attach a digital signature.
File to be signed
Lists the file names to be signed, the folder where each file is located, and the current status of the file.
Add file
Opens the Select File dialog box, where you can select a file to which you want to attach a digital signature.
Search folder
Opens the Search Folder dialog box, where you can search for files in the specified folder.
Deletes the selected file from the list of files to be signed.
clear list
Delete all files from the list of files to be signed.
Number of files to sign
Displays the number of files that the additional digital signing program tried to sign.
Select a digital ID (certificate)
Displays a list of digital IDs that can be used to sign documents. It contains the following information: the organization or individual who issued the digital ID, the digital ID publisher who issued the digital ID, and the expiration time of the digital ID.
Signature information
Provides a list of time services (used to add timestamps to digital signatures), the connection status of time servers, and a Notes area (containing information about digital signatures or files being signed).
Time stamp from
Provides a list of time servers (which can be used to add timestamps to digital signatures) and includes the connection status of time servers.
Time service status
Displays the connection status of the time service (Successfully connected to the time server or Unable to contact the time server).
To annotate ...
You can include information about the digital signature or the file being signed here.
Signature file
Attach a digital signature to each file listed in this dialog box.