There is a story about a king who wanted to reward a minister and let him make a plan himself. The minister said: "My requirements are not high, as long as the first box is filled with 1 grain of rice, the second box is filled with 2 grains, the third box is filled with 4 grains, and the fourth box is filled with 8 grains, and so on until 64 boxes are filled." Hearing this, the king secretly smiled. The requirements are too low. Do it!
The work of loading rice progressed quickly, and soon the chessboard could not be loaded, sacks, sacks and carts were no longer needed, and the granary was quickly used up. Jimmy is exhausted, but the power grid is like a bottomless pit, and he is more and more dissatisfied. The king finally found out that he was cheated. Even if the cardinal number of something is very small, once it is multiplied by geometric series, the final result will be outrageous.
The result of the story is that nothing matters, but what you can learn from it!
The poor are like the first square on the chessboard. 1 grain rice and 2 grain rice have little difference. The starting point of the poor is too small and too low. Even if you develop rapidly, you are still a little snowball. Maybe before you roll it up, the weather will get warmer and the snow will melt again.
It is difficult for the poor to develop, start and persist. There are only a few grains of rice in front of you, and you have lost your appetite. However, the success of one thing often lies in the last step. When the cardinal number accumulates to a certain amount, you only need to jump one grid and you will become a Buddha. Everything before this was a foreshadowing.
Maturity is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. Without the first grain of rice, there will be no bucket behind. This process is long and difficult. Whether you can wait until the last day depends on your kung fu.
There is a hungry grouse looking for food in the snow. It is planing left and right, but there is no food. Just then, the hungry grouse saw a clever squirrel eating a corn. The squirrel told him that there was a pile of corn in the field ahead, and the farmer forgot to put it away. The grouse thanked the grouse and ran forward at once, but it ran far away and still didn't see the corn. The grouse thought: The squirrel must have lied to me! You can't see the corn if you go any further. So it stopped and buried its head in the snow to rest. When the sun rose the next day, the grouse had starved to death. The north wind roared and snowflakes danced. A pile of golden corn lay quietly less than 50 meters away from the grouse.
As the saying goes, "a hundred miles and a half is ninety", the last journey is often the most difficult. When we are exhausted, even a small change may crush us. So will is particularly important ... Hang in there! Because victory comes from the effort to "hold on a little longer" ...
1942, treasure hunter Lafer Salerno and two friends went to a Venezuelan river to look for treasure. It has been several months, but the diamond has not been found yet. "You see, I have picked up 999,999 round pebbles, but I still can't find the diamonds, so I decided to quit," Salerno said exhausted.
A partner replied in a sarcastic tone: "All right! It is better to pick up another piece to make up the millionth piece! "
Salerno also replied in the same tone: "All right! I won't do it if I pick up another piece! " What he didn't expect was that the last pebble was actually a diamond.
Harley Winston, a jeweler in new york, bought the/kloc-0.0 millionth pebble for $200,000 and named it "the releaser". This is the largest and purest diamond in the world.
It was because this last pebble was a diamond that Salerno changed her life. The key to success in life lies in persistence. People who lack perseverance often give up halfway when they encounter difficulties. Almost all failures in life are due to their doubts about what they want. It is precisely because they did not "stick to the end", did not make persistent efforts, and did not pursue success repeatedly. It's like climbing a mountain, approaching the highest peak. If you can't persist in your last strength and struggle, you can't achieve it. This is a watershed between success and failure. Success or failure depends on whether he can stick to this step. A little harder, a little harder and a step forward, won't you climb to the top? Can't you find your own diamond? And often some people don't understand this truth.
Two explorers got lost in the vast Gobi. Because of the long-term lack of water, their lips were cracked and bleeding. If they continue, they will only die of thirst alive! An elderly explorer took an empty kettle from his companion and said solemnly, "I will find water, so wait for me here!" " Then, he took out a pistol from his bag and handed it to his companion, saying, "Here are six bullets. You should shoot every hour, so that when I find the water, I won't get lost, and I can follow the gunfire to find you. Do remember! "
Seeing his companion nod, he hobbled away confidently. ...
Time is passing quietly, only the last bullet is left in the gun barrel, and the companion who is looking for water has not come back yet. "He must have lost his way in the sand, or found water and left me alone." The young explorer counted the minutes and waited anxiously. Hunger, thirst and fear filled him with despair. He seemed to smell death and felt that it was approaching him in a fierce way ... He pulled the trigger and shot the last particle into his head.
Just when he collapsed, his companion came to him with two pots of water. ...
In the face of difficulties and hardships, success lies in your persistent efforts. The loser walked ninety-nine, and the winner walked ninety-nine. Just when the temperature of water reaches 99 degrees Celsius, it is only 1 degree Celsius away from boiling water. Persistence is to finally lift the heat energy of 1 degree Celsius.
The young explorer is unfortunate, because he gave up his persistence and his precious life at the same time. Many times, on the road of life, in the face of difficulties and setbacks, you can bite your teeth and stick to the longest and most difficult moment; But when success reaches out to shake your hand, you pass it by because you give up. If you can persist in despair, success will belong to you.
After graduating from school, a young man joined an oil company and was immediately assigned to work in an offshore oil field by the head office. On the first day of work, the foreman asked him to board a drilling rig tens of meters high within a limited time and handed the beautifully packaged box to the top supervisor. Holding the box, he quickly climbed the tall and narrow ladder. When he ran panting to the top floor, he saw the manager sign his name on the box and asked him to send it back to the foreman. As soon as he received the order, he quickly ran down the ladder and handed the box to the foreman. But I didn't expect the foreman to sign the name hastily, and then give it to him intact and let him send it back to the top supervisor. The young man looked at the foreman and didn't know how to ask questions, so he had to run to the top floor.
But the supervisor only signed the box this time and asked him to send it back. The young man went back and forth like this, inexplicably running up and down twice, vaguely feeling that all this seemed to be deliberately made things difficult for him by the supervisor and foreman. Until the third time, the young man, whose whole body was splashed with seawater, was full of anger, but he still held back his anger. When he sent the box to the supervisor for the third time, the supervisor said, "Open it." When the young man opened the box, there was a can of coffee and a can of creamer inside. Now he is more sure that the supervisor and the foreman teamed up to bully him. He looked angrily at the supervisor, who seemed to feel nothing, and then said to him, "Go and make a cup of coffee!" " "Hearing this command, the young man was completely desperate. He can't stand it any longer. He threw the box into the sea and said angrily, "I quit!" ""Hearing this, he felt much happier because he was full of anger.
But the supervisor shook his head in disappointment and said to him, "son, you know what just happened is actually a kind of training!" " That's called endurance training, because we work at sea every day and may encounter danger at any time. Therefore, the staff must have strong endurance to complete the actions and tasks at sea. "The supervisor sighed and said," Well, you missed the first three times, just a little, and you missed the good coffee you made. What a pity! Now, you can go. "
This tells people: in times of difficulty and despair, don't give up easily, but stick to it Death will avoid those who bite their teeth, because death is most afraid of hearing the cackling of biting their teeth.
Mr. Sheila Field has accumulated a large sum of money when she retired. At this time, he had a whim to lay a cable connecting Europe and the United States under the Atlantic Ocean. Then, he began to promote the cause wholeheartedly. The preliminary foundation work includes the construction of a 1000 mile long telegraph line from new york to St. John's, Newfoundland, and a highway with the same length; In addition, it includes a 440-mile-long line through the obtuse angle of the mine and a cable across the St. Lawrence Strait. The whole project is huge. Field tried his best to win the support of the British government, although his plan met with very strong opposition in parliament and was passed by only one vote in the House of Lords.
After that, the laying of the site began. One end of the cable is laid on the British flagship Agamemnon moored in Bohr Port, barstow, and the other end is laid on the new luxury frigate Niagara built by the US Navy.
However, just five miles after the cable was laid, it suddenly rolled into the machine and broke. Field was very unwilling, so he did the second experiment, but when he reached 200 miles, the current suddenly stopped, and everyone on the deck was very anxious, as if death were coming. Just as Mr. Field was about to order to cut off the cable and give up the experiment, the current suddenly appeared magically again. At night, due to the slow sailing of the ship, the cable was laid at a speed of 4 miles per hour, but the ship suddenly tilted seriously and braked urgently, which happened to cut the cable again.
The field is not easy to give up. He ordered another 700 miles of cables and hired an expert to design a better machine to complete such a long laying task. Later, the invention geniuses of Britain and the United States joined hands to drive the machine out. Two warships met in the Atlantic Ocean and the cable was connected. Then, two ships continued to sail, one for Ireland and the other for Newfoundland. Finally, they all used up the cables. The two ships were less than three miles apart and the cable was disconnected again. After reconnecting, the two ships continued to sail, and when they were 8 nautical miles apart, the current disappeared again. After the third connection, the cable was laid for 200 miles, but it was disconnected 20 feet away from the Agamemnon, and the two ships finally had to return to the Irish coast.
Many people involved in this matter are discouraged one by one, and public opinion is skeptical about this. Investors have lost confidence in this project and are unwilling to invest again. At this time, if it weren't for Mr. Field's indomitable spirit and genius persuasion, the project would probably have been abandoned. Field continued to work hard for it day and night, even to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep. He never wanted to fail. So the third attempt began again. This time, all the cables were laid smoothly without interruption. Several messages were sent through this long submarine cable, and everything was almost finished, but the current suddenly stopped.
At this time, except for field and one or two friends, almost no one did not feel desperate. But they always have confidence, and it is precisely because of this persistence that they finally found an investor and started a new attempt. They bought better quality cables. This time, the laying task was carried out by great eastern, which sailed slowly to the ocean and laid cables all the way. Everything went well, but in the end, when laying a 600-mile cable line across Newfoundland, the cable suddenly broke again and fell into the sea. They fished several times and failed. So the work was delayed for a year.
Mr. Field was not intimidated by all these difficulties. He set up a new company to continue this work, and made a new type of cable with far better performance than ordinary cables. On July 1866 and 13, the new experiment started again, and the first transatlantic telegram was successfully connected and sent. The telegram said, "July 27th. We arrived at our destination at 9 pm and everything went well. Thank god! The cables are all laid and running normally. Hillas Field. " Not long after, the cable that had fallen into the seabed was salvaged, reconnected and connected to Newfoundland. Now these two cables are still in use, and it will not be a problem for decades.
Success and failure are often only the last step away. If you stop only one step away from success, it is equivalent to giving up all your original efforts. As a result, no matter how much you have paid before, his final result is zero. In fact, without experiencing setbacks and difficulties, how can we know how sweet success is? Eat more bitterness and you will be full of courage to overcome difficulties. Although you are poor, as long as you are not afraid of challenges and problems, because the more problems, the more you can find solutions; Don't worry about the predicament, as long as you have the confidence to break through it, no matter how dangerous it is, you can get through it safely. As long as you stick to it, take a confident step and complete the last key step, you can easily stand in the hall of success and enjoy the sweet taste of success.
—— Quoted from Yanbian People's Publishing House "What about the Poor"