The concept of E-commerce has not yet formed a consistent definition in academic circles. Different scholars have given many different definitions from a broad or narrow sense, from a technical perspective or from a functional perspective. Report & ampJaworski(200 1) defines e-commerce as a transaction between economic entities (individuals, organizations or both) with technology as the medium, and also includes activities within or between organizations based on electronicization and facilitating transactions [68]. Turban et al. (2002) think that e-commerce refers to the activities of buying, selling or exchanging goods, services and information through the Internet, and can also be defined by the following two viewpoints: (1) cooperative viewpoint: e-commerce is a platform for cooperation between organizations and within organizations; (2) Community view: E-commerce is a place for community members to learn, interact and cooperate [69]. Philip? Kotler (2003) distinguished two important concepts, e-commerce and e-commerce. He believes that e-commerce describes how to use electronic means and platforms to carry out the company's business, and e-commerce is more specific than e-commerce, which means that in addition to providing visitors with information, history, policies, products and job opportunities about the company, the company or its website can also directly trade or promote products and services.
According to the transaction subject of e-commerce, e-commerce can be generally divided into three types: business-to-consumer (BtoC), business-to-business (BtoB) and consumer-to-consumer (CtoC). Of course, there are other less important types, such as government-to-individual (GtoC), hospital-to-individual (HtoC) and so on.
On the definition of small and medium-sized enterprises:
Baidu knows that there are related terms on the website. See/view/58855.htm.
. Regarding the definition of small and medium-sized enterprises in Fujian Province, I don't think it will be different from the general definition in China.