Digital certificate, also known as digital certificate and digital identity, is a file digitally signed by a certificate authority (CA), which contains the personal information of the certificate applicant (public key owner) and his public key. Digital certificate is one of the most commonly used CA certificates. A digital certificate or a public key certificate is signed by a certificate authority, which contains the exact identity or other attributes of the holder who holds the corresponding key. There are three types of digital certificates, namely personal digital certificates, enterprise (server) digital certificates and software (developer) digital certificates. Personal digital certificate: Personal digital certificate only provides a certificate for a supporter, which is usually installed on the browser of the client to help someone conduct secure transactions online; Visit Internet websites that require customers to verify security; Send e-mail with your own signature with your own digital certificate; Send an encrypted email to the other party with their digital certificate. Enterprise (server) digital certificate: enterprise digital certificate provides a certificate for the Web server on the Internet, and the enterprise that owns the server can conduct secure electronic transactions with the website with this certificate; Open the SSL security channel of the server, so that the data transmission between the user and the server can be carried out in an encrypted form; Ask customers to show their personal certificates to prove that the software is legal. Software (developer) digital certificate: Software digital certificate provides software with a certificate to prove the legitimacy of the software. The digital security certificate issued by CA Center can be applied to business activities and administrative activities on public networks, including paid and non-paid e-commerce activities, and its application scope covers all banks that need identity authentication and data security.
Industries, including traditional online transactions in the fields of commerce, manufacturing and circulation, as well as online work systems for public utilities, financial services, industrial and commercial taxation and customs, government administrative offices, educational and scientific research institutions, insurance, medical care, etc. Mainly used in online shopping, inter-enterprise e-commerce, secure e-mail, online securities trading, online banking, etc. CA center can also cooperate with enterprise code certificate center to integrate enterprise code certificate and enterprise digital security certificate, which will lay the foundation for online trading, online tax declaration, online customs declaration and online service, and avoid the hard work of enterprises facing numerous window services. Main application: (1) online tax filing; (2) business administration; (3) online office; (4) Online bidding; (5) online transactions; (6) Secure e-mail.