Operating system Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1(DirectX11)
Processor Intel 3rd Generation Core i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz Quad-Core Processor
Motherboard Yingtai Hi-Fi H77S (Intel Ivy Bridge-H77 Express Chipset)
Memory 8 GB (Kingston HyperX 8G- 16003 C9 generation)
Main hard disk Kingston SV300S37A60G (60 GB/SSD)
Graphics galaxy galaxy GTX660 black universal GTX 660 (2 GB/Nvidia)
Display universal plug-and-play monitor
Sound card Ruiyu ALC892 @ Intel Panther Point HD audio controller
Network card Ruiyu RTL 8168PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet network card/Yingtai
Of course, my computer motherboard is rubbish! I made my own computer motherboard and others repaired it. I don't play any games. This configuration ensures that I won't get stuck playing WOW.