How to add personal tags to your qq profile?
I. Computer version: \x0d\ 1. Click on your avatar on the main panel. \x0d\2。 Pop up the "My Information" tab and select the "Tab" column. \x0d\3。 You can choose the default label or edit the new label yourself. \x0d\\x0d\4。 If you edit the new label yourself, you need to click the "Paste" button after entering it, otherwise it is unnecessary. \x0d\5。 Close. The system automatically saves. \x0d\\x0d\ 2。 Mobile version: \x0d\ 1. Slide right to open the main panel \x0d\2. Click on your avatar. \x0d\3。 Click "Personalized Business Card" \x0d\4. Select the layout and label template, and you can clearly see that this template is surrounded by bubbles. \x0d\\x0d\5, non-VIP, SVIP can only choose a few backgrounds, local tyrants please feel free. \x0d\6。 When editing is finished, click "Save Now". \x0d\\x0d\ III: \x0d\ 1, QQ version for computer is QQ7.5( 15456)\x0d\2, and QQ version for mobile phone is QQios5.8.0.