How to write $25,490.80 in words?
Chinese words: twenty-five thousand four hundred and ninety yuan and eighty cents. The capital words in English are: Say: 25 dollars; Deliberate; Hunger; 9 cents; Integrity.
Capitalization of dollar amount: the capitalization of the amount in English consists of three parts: "say currency"+amount in words)+only (equivalent to our "whole"). Unlike Chinese, zeros in numbers don't need to be written, but they can be read. For example:114,672,500 US dollars, one bag in Miremont, forty-six bags, thirty-seven bags and twenty-five.
Beautiful expression: (spell capital letters) For example: PY 1456.36 English capital spelling means that Japanese yen is 4.56.3.
Fractional expression (only numbers are accepted), for example, USD987.36 is converted into fractions: Sayusdollarsine lost and 87 and third six 36/100 only.
The US dollar is the legal tender of the United States of America, El Salvador, Panama, Ecuador, East Timor, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Kiribati and Palau. The main scene pattern on the front of the US dollar bill is a person's head, and the main color is black. The main landscape pattern on the back is architecture, and the main color is green, but there is little difference between different versions, such as the back of 1934 is dark green, the back of 1950 is grass green, and the back of 1963 is dark green. Because dollar green is an ink made of tree juice, the quality of tree juice is different every time, so the color is slightly different. The signature above is the signature of the finance minister, and different release years are different finance ministers. Before the 20th century, 1, 5, 10, 25,50-cent banknotes were issued. Compared with the small front page dollar, the big front page dollar is half the size of the small front page dollar. Interestingly, all denominations of dollars are the same size, and $20 is the most used high-denomination banknote in the United States.