Tools/materials: mobile phone: OPPO R/KOLOC-0//KOLOROS, Android 8./KOLOC-0/.0, Meitu, Xiu Xiu.
1. Open the phone and find Meitu Xiu Xiu application, as shown below.
2. After entering Meitu Xiu Xiu interface, click Meitu AI option.
3. Then, slide to the top and find the button to draw an animated image.
4. Aim the camera at the portrait and the system will automatically detect and render it.
5. A cute cartoon avatar will appear when "Animation avatar will be generated soon" is displayed.
6, you can click on the dress in the lower right corner, you can change clothes, change the background, and change your hair style.
7. The following is the effect of changing clothes, hairstyle and background.
8. Finally, you can switch to the emoticon package, and the emoticon package will automatically become a square image, which is more suitable for making an avatar.