Errors in ICBC's signature file are generally caused by abnormal connection of U shield hardware, abnormal connection of U shield driver or abnormal connection of multiple certificates, and the wrong certificate was not selected when the page prompts to choose my certificate signature.
Try the following methods.
1. Read the certificate information through the U shield driver to see if the certificate has been successfully connected to the computer. It is recommended to plug the U shield into the back interface of the desktop, or reconnect it with another USB interface. If you still can't connect to, please check whether you are using a USB extension cable. It is not recommended to try to use USB extension cable. If you still don't understand, it is recommended to restart the computer after unplugging the U shield.
2. If the certificate driver is not installed normally, it is recommended to uninstall the certificate driver and restart it. After that, do not insert the U shield, reinstall the driver (download the latest version of the driver through ICBC's homepage, and be careful not to use the download auxiliary software when downloading), and then insert the U shield after installation.
3. If the certificate driver is still abnormal, and the system is an operating system above WIN2000, display it in the classic view mode of Window through control panel-administrative tools-services, and check whether the smart card is enabled. If not, set the service status to Enabled and the startup type to Automatic.
4. Restart the computer, and then log in to personal online banking, so that the control can be applied normally.
? Updated on March 4, 2022
? Subsidy standard
(1) The housing subsidy standard for