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Spanish love quotes

Spanish love quotes

The Kingdom of Spain, called Spain for short, is a constitutional monarchy in the Iberian Peninsula in southwest Europe. Take a look at the following Spanish love quotes!

Spanish love sayings

1. El que rí e ultimo no rí e Mejor, Simplemente esporque no entendió El Chiste.

He who laughs last is not necessarily the best, he is just the last person to understand the joke.

 2、Estudiar es desconfiar de la inteligencia de tu compa? Ero de al lado

studying is a distrust of the wisdom of the classmates next to you.

3. Haytres tips de personas: los que saben constant y los queNo.

There are three kinds of people in the world, those who can count and those who can't.

4. Me Embrach é para olvidarte .. y ahora te veo doble.

I drank to forget you, but now I see two of you.

5. El Amor Eterno Dura Aproximadamente tresmes.

Eternal love lasts about three months

6. Todas las Mujeres Tienen Algo Hermoso ... Aunque Sea Una Prima Lejana.

All women have some moving features, even your distant cousin.

7. Vive de Tuspadres Hastaque Puedas Vivir de Tushijos.

Depend on your parents until you can be raised by your children.

8. lo importantes la Plata, la salud va yviene.

Money is the most important thing, and health will come again after you leave.

 9、En la vida hay dos palabras que te abrirán muchas puertas...?


There are two words in life that can open many doors for you ... "Pull" and "Push"!

1. Nadie es perfecto. Atentamente: Nadie.

No one is perfect! Please note: I just have no one.

11. los dos estamos muy enamorados: yo de é l y é l de otra.

We both fell in love deeply. I love her and she loves the other.

12. Merentia que Hablencuando Interrupt.

What I hate most is that when I interrupt others, they are still talking.

13. Dioscura y el mé dico pasala factura.

God heals diseases and doctors make invoices.

14. Ahorra agua. No te duches solo.

Save water, so don't take a bath alone.

15. He Oí do Hablar Tan Bien De Ti, Que Creí a Que Estabas Muerto.

I have heard so many compliments about you that I always thought you were dead.

16. La psiquiatrí a/Psicologí a es El ú nico Negocio Donde El Cliente Nuncati

Ene La Razó n.

The psychotherapy clinic is the only place where guests can never make sense.

17. Sigue Estudiando y Será s una Calavera Sabia.

Keep learning, and you will soon become a smart skull.

18. Siun dí a te levantas conganas de estudiar, tomauna aspirina y vuelvete

a Acostar.

If you get up one day and have a desire to study, take an aspirin and go back to sleep.

19. Hayun Mundo Mejor, Pero Carí simo.

There is indeed a better world, but it is extremely expensive.

2. El Amores una Cosa Esplendorosa ... hastaque te Sorprende Tuesposa.

Love is a wonderful thing until one day your wife scares you.

21. en las pró ximas elections vote a las putas, votar a los hijos no diores


I will simply vote for prostitutes in future general elections. Because voting for their son (son of a bitch) will not have a good result

22, La Prueba Má s Clara de Queexiste Vida Inteligente en El Universo Esque < P > Nadie Ha Intentdo Contact Connosotros. < P > The clearest evidence of intelligent life in the universe is that no one tries to contact us.

23. Los Estudioson la Luz del Mundo ... Deja Los Estudios y Ahorra Energí a.

Learning is the light of the world ... Stop learning, please save energy.

 24、Dios mío dame paciencia..... pero YA ! ! ! !

god, please give me patience ... now! ! !

25. Unpesados Alguienque cuando le preguntas có moestá, Vay te contesta

An annoying person should be like this: when you politely greet him, "How are you?" At that time, he actually answered you' endlessly


26. El dinero no traela Felicidad, perocuando seva, se laleva.

Money can never bring happiness, but when it leaves you, misfortune comes.

27. El Mejor Amigo del Perro es Otro Perro.

A dog is man's best friend, and a dog's best friend is another dog.

28. Hombre de Buenas Costumbres Busca Alguienque Selasquite.

A man with good habits is always looking for a woman who can take away all his good habits.

29. La Esclavitud no Seabolió, Secambió a8hrs Diarias.

Slavery has not been abolished, but has been changed to eight hours a day.

3. Toda Cuestion Tiene dos Puntos de Vista: El Equivocado y El Nuestra.

We have two views to look at all problems, one is the wrong view, and the other is our view.

31. Las Pirá Midesson El Mejor Ejemplo de Queen Cualquier Tiempo y Lugarlos

Obreros Tienden a trabajar Menos Cadavez.

Whenever and wherever, workers are always as lazy as possible, and they are doing less every day. The pyramids are the best example.

32, seestá muriendo gente queantes no semorí a.

There are always people who have not died before who are dying at this moment.

33. No te Tomes la vida en serio, Al Finy Al Cabo no Saldrá s vivo de ella.

Don't take life too seriously, anyway, you can't escape it alive.

34. Arregrad los problems econó micos es fá cil, lo ú nicoque se necesitas


It's not difficult to solve economic problems, the only thing that is needed is money.

35. Todoste Dan unconsejo, cuando lo que necesitas Guita.

When what you need is money, everyone gives you advice.

36. La Intelligencia me Persigue, Peroyo Soy má s rá pido.

Clever, it ran after me, but I was faster than it.

 37、Soy la mejor en la cama! !


I am the best in bed! !

Signature: Sleeping Beauty

38, Dicenque Cuando Piscis y Acuario Secasan, El Matrimonio Naufraga.

I heard that when Pisces and Aquarius get married, marriage will be difficult;