First, generate the android keystore in eclipse.
1. Create any android project (for example, AntForAndroid).
2. Right-click the root directory of AntForAndroid to pop up the menu-> Android tools-> Export signed application package-> Next & gt
3. Create a keystore keystore, enter the location and password of the keystore export, and remember the password, which will be used next time.
4. Select "Create new keystore" and save it in the project and directory, enter the password, and then click next.
5. Fill in the keystore information, and fill in the password, service life and organizational unit information of some apk files. Don't forget the alias and password.
6. Generate a signed apk file, and that's the end.
7. If you publish this version next time, please re-sign it with the previously generated keystore.
In this way, androids.keystore generated by the above process will be generated in the project root directory.
Second, generate the command line of the keystore
Enter the bin directory of JDK under dos
Run the following command:
keytool-genkey-alias Android . keystore-keyalg RSA-validity 20000-keystore Android . keystore
(-20000 represents the number of days of validity). After the command is completed, android.keystore will be generated in the bin directory.
Look at the command keytool-list-keystore "android.keystore" and enter the set keystore password.