The Role of META Tags in Web Page Making-
No matter how wonderful your personal website is, it is not easy to be found in the "vast sea" cyberspace. How to promote your personal website,
People first think of the following methods:
I log on to your personal website in the search engine
Link your personal website to a well-known website
L post in the forum to promote your personal website
Many people ignore the powerful function of HTML tag META. A good META tag design can greatly improve the possibility of your personal website being searched.
Are you interested? Let me get to know the META tag again!
META tag is an auxiliary tag in the header area of HTML language. In almost all pages, we can see the following code:
< head >
< meta -equiv=Content-Type content = textcharset=gb23 12 >
< head >
This is a typical application of META tag, which identifies the coding type adopted by page. According to the HTML language standard, note: META tags are very important for the development of websites.
Important tags can be used to identify the author, set the page format, mark the content summary and keywords, refresh the page and so on.
Detailed introduction
META tags are divided into two parts: HTTP-EQUIV and NAME variables.
Parameter HTTP-EQUIV
HTTP-EQUIV is similar to the header protocol of http. It responds some useful information to the browser to help display the content of the web page correctly. Commonly used HTTP-
Equivalent types are:
A. Expiration (duration)
Description: It can be used to set the expiration time of web pages. Once the webpage expires, you must go to the server to reread it.
Usage: < meta http-equiv = expires content = wed, 26feb1997082157gmt >
Note: GMT time format must be used.
B. pragma (cached mode)
Note: The browser is prohibited from accessing the page content from the cache of the local machine.
Usage: < meta http-equiv = pragma content = no-cache >
Note: With this setting, visitors will not be able to browse offline.
C. Rejuvenation
Note: Use this sentence if you need to make a webpage automatically link to other webpages on a regular basis.
Usage: < meta content = 5;; URL = Yahoo >
Note: where 5 means to automatically refresh to URL after staying for 5 seconds.
D.Set-Cookie(cookie setting)
Note: If the webpage expires, the saved cookie will be deleted.
Usage: < meta http-equiv = set-cookie content = cookie value = XXX;
Expires = Wednesday 21-oct-98161421GMT; Path = >
Note: GMT time format must be used.
E. window target (setting of display window)
Description: Forces the page to appear as a separate page in the current window.
Usage: < meta http-equiv = window-target content = _ top >
Note: Used to prevent others from calling your page in the frame.
F. Content type (setting of display character set)
Description: Sets the character set used by the page.
Usage: < meta-equiv = content-type content = text; charset=gb23 12 >
Note: Based on this, the browser will call the corresponding character set to display the page content.
G. picture-tag (web page rating)
Note: IE has a content setting in the Inter option, which can prevent browsing some restricted websites. The restriction level of websites is through this parameter.
The number to set.
Usage: < meta-equiv = "pics-label" contact = "">
Note: Do not set the level too high.
Parameter name
The syntax format of the name variable of the META tag is:
< META NAME = XXX CONTENT = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >
Among them, xxx mainly has the following parameters:
1. Keywords (keywords)
Description: keywords are used to tell search engines what the keywords of your web page are.
For example: < meta name = keywords content = life, universe, kind, plants.
Relationship, the meaning of life, science >
2. Description (introduction)
Description: Description is used to tell search engines the main content of your website.
Example: < meta name = description content = mainly introduces programming languages such as JAVA and C .. >
3. Robots (Robot Guide)
Description: Robots are used to tell search robots which pages need indexing and which pages don't. The parameters of the content are all, none, index,
Noindex, follow, nofollow. The default is all.
Example: < meta name = robots content = none >
4. Author (author)
Description: Tags the author of the web page.
For example: < meta name = author content = Zhang San, ABC @ Sina ">
Use case analysis
The above are some basic uses of META tags, the most important of which is the setting of keywords and descriptions. Why?
The reason is very simple, these two sentences can make search engines find you accurately and attract more people to visit your site! Accord to that popular search engines now
(Google, Lycos, AltaVista, etc. ), the search engine first sends robots to automatically search on the WWW, and searches the page when finding a new website.
Keywords and descriptions are in the face, and added to your own database, and then the websites are sorted according to the density of keywords.
From this point of view, you must remember to add META tags of keywords and descriptions, and try to write keywords and introductions well. Otherwise, the consequences will be
Will be:
If there are no meta tags of keywords and descriptions in your webpage, then the robot can't add your website to the database and network.
Friends will not be able to search your website.
If your keywords are not well chosen and the keyword density is not high, the possibility of being clicked back by millions or even millions of websites is also right or wrong.
Often very small.
Write Keywords should pay attention to the following points:
I don't use ordinary words. Such as a home page, a web page, etc.
Do not use adjectives or adverbs. Such as the best, the biggest and so on.
Don't use general words, try to be precise. For example, it would be better to use "T28SC" instead of "Ericsson mobile phone".
"Three-person trip, there must be a teacher", and the skills to find suitable keywords are: go to well-known search engines such as Google, Lycos and Alta, and search your website.
For websites with similar content, check the meta keywords of the top ten websites and use them on your website. The effect can be imagined.
In order to improve the search click rate, here are some "shortcuts" that can help you:
In order to increase the density of keywords, keywords are hidden in the page (the text color is defined as the same as the background color).
ü Add keywords to the ALT comment statement of the image.
For example: < < IMG SRC=xxx.gif Alt=Keywords > >
ü Use comments in HTML to add a lot of keywords to the page code.
Reference: cg6038.bokee/viewdiary.***********.