Don’t you know these financial professional terms? Maybe you are a foreigner and do not understand Chinese. I will answer them one by one for you as follows:
CDA, Combined DDA/Application Cryptogram Generation Composite data authentication/application ciphertext generation
DDA, Dynamic Data Authentication dynamic data authentication
SDA, Static Data Authentication static data authentication
DES, Data Encryption Standard The data encryption standard is still called DES in China
SHA1, Secure Hash Algorithm 1, there are 1, of course, there are 128, 1046 and the like
RSA, Rivest, Shamir, Adleman Algorithm is an asymmetric algorithm named after several people. There is no Chinese, it is called RSA
MD5, Message Digest 5 message (message can also be used) digest algorithm 5, there are 5, of course there are 4< /p>
IDEA, International Data Encryption Algorithm International Data Encryption Algorithm
TC, Transaction Certificate transaction certificate, when accepting a transaction, the IC card will give it
AAC, Application Authentication Cryptogram Application authorization ciphertext, used to reject transactions
ARQC, Authorization Request Cryptogram authorization request ciphertext, terminal request
ARPC, Authorization Response Cryptogram authorization response ciphertext, returned by the acquirer
p>GAC, GPO, abbreviation of two IC card commands, namely Generate AC and Get Processing Option (use ciphertext generation, get processing option name)
DOL, Data Objects Lists data object List
TLV, a type of BER encoding, ASN1 standard, full name Tag (tag), Length (length), Value (value)
TAC, Terminal Action Code terminal behavior code
p>IAC, Issuer Action Code, Issuer Action Code
AFL, Application File Locator
APDU, Application Protocol Data Unit, message Structural composition
ATM, Automated Teller Machine, ATM machine
ATC, Application Transaction Counter application transaction counter
AUC, Application Usage Control application Usage control
BCD, Binary Coded Decimal coding system, BCD, also known as binary-decimal code
BER, Basic Encoding Rules basic encoding specification (defined in ISO/IEC 8825-1 )
CDOL, Card Risk Management Data Object List Card Risk Management Data Object List
DDOL, Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List
FIPS, Federal Information Processing Standard, American standard, full name, Federal Information Processing Standard
IBAN, International Bank Account Number, international bank account number, identification
PDOL, Processing Options Data Object List processing List of option data objects, used for transaction initialization
PAN, Primary Account Number
PSE, Payment System Environment payment system environment, usually built on an IC card
TVR, Terminal Verification ResultsTerminal verification results
TSI, Transaction Status Information transaction status information