UFIDA software has bookkeeping, but it has to be cancelled due to the wrong bookkeeping voucher, but how to cancel the audit signature next?
In GL-Period-End-Reconciliation, select the month to cancel bookkeeping (Ctrl+H (indicating that bookkeeping status is enabled) \x0d\ and then in GL-Voucher-Restore bookkeeping status (generally select the latest bookkeeping status and confirm) (administrator password is required to restore bookkeeping). \x0d\ Cancel approval (the approver logs in the software with his own ID to cancel approval) \x0d\ Click "Approve Voucher" to open the dialog box, select the voucher to cancel, and then click "OK". (Pop-up, review voucher, dialog box) \x0d\ On the right side of the "review" button, there is a button with the word "Cancel", and then the signer after review will disappear under the voucher. If you need to change the voucher, click "Error" on the right side of the "Cancel" button (the word "Error" appears in the upper left corner of the voucher) \