Hello, that may be the set background picture. The author may have got the signature on the background picture. If you want to remove this, you need to modify the framework-res.apk, that is, the framework file. You can open the framework-res.apk with decompression software. Remember, it is open, not unzipped, and then enter the res folder, which contains drawable-ldpi (high resolution), drawable-mdpi (medium resolution) and drawable-ndpi (low resolution). Then according to the resolution of your mobile phone, enter the corresponding folder, find the set background in it, then find the picture you like, cut it out and convert the format. Then change it. Then use re Manager to copy the modified framework-res.apk to the /system folder and modify the permissions (3 read 1). After modifying the permissions, copy directly to the system/framewoek folder, select Overwrite, and restart the phone.
Note: Because the frame needs to be modified, the phone may not be turned on. Please be careful.
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