MD5 is the abbreviation of message-digest algorithm 5 (message-digest algorithm), which is widely used in encryption, decryption, data signature and file verification. Any file, whether it is an executable program, an image file, a temporary file or any other type of file, and no matter how large the file is, has and has only one unique MD5 information value. If this file is modified, even if only one byte is changed, its MD5 value will change accordingly. Therefore, we can verify whether the file is "complete" by comparing the MD5 value of the same file.
MD5 code usage:
1. Download the official MD5 code verification tool.
2. Run the MD5 code verification tool winmd5.exe.
3. Drag the file that needs to be verified into the validator window, and the validator will automatically calculate the MD5 code of the file.
4. Check whether the generated MD5 code is the same as that provided by the QQ Legend of Xianxia official website.
5. If the MD5 code obtained is the same as that published on the official website, it can be confirmed that the downloaded file is complete and correct.
6. If the MD5 code is different from the one published on the official website, it means that the file you downloaded is incomplete or an error occurred during the network download process. Please download it again; it is also possible that the file has been modified by someone else. To prevent others from inserting viruses or Trojans when they change the file, please do not use this client.